Chapter 27

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One Year Later

Today we graduated from High school Jace helped me through so much. I felt so lucky to have him in my life. We both would be attending College moving away together.

Jace proposed before we moved away at our farawell party. It was perfect all our family and friends were there. Jon was already attending the same College as we would. I felt better with some family near as well. We purchased a nice Condo Jace had great Job offer already.

Simon and Izzy would visit often until she got pregnant. We started visiting them more then Simon didnt want her traveling so much. It was 2nd year in College Jace and I married six months after her proposed.

Simon and Izzy married our sophmore year in college with two kids. My mom and Luke blessed me with a babysister she was two now and so adorable. Jace and I wanted kids but we wanted to wait to finish College first.

There were ups and down but the love we had never faulted! Junior year things took big twist and would never be the same. Jace i put on 5more pounds its all your fault you food is to good i whinned!

He laughed telling me i look fine. Jon started his own company after he graduated College. I helped him with starting it up we were always so busy i didn't notice my body changed. Jon did he would always tell me to relax and not do so much.

One day at lunch i couldn't keep my food down. Oh man i hope i dont have a bug i cant get sick now were almost done cutting the deal with the merger. Jon asked if i was okay after 6trips to the restroom. I assured him i wasn't going to die it would be gone in a few days he laughed!

Whats so funny Jon? "My sister i cant believe you cant tell its your body for crying out loud. You have been eating more but cant keep your food down. Your gained weight and very emotionally all the time your pregnant Clary he said."

What No i would know if i was pregnant plus i had a period. I thought it over that was 3months ago oh my i have been that busy i didnt notice the changes. My brother did i wonder if Jace did then i needed to confirm it before i tell Jace.

Three days later my Doctor confirmed i was 14weeks pregnant. She gave me my prenatal vitamins made my next appoint 4weeks later. Wow were going to have a family i cried when i saw the sonogram pictures.

They were happy tears i didn't realize how much i wanted a baby until now. Jace was on a business trip he was promoted fast as his job over the last 3years. His assistant i didn't like she always flirted with all the men especially my husband.

I trust Jace and i love him all my heart as i know he does as well. He would facetime me often saying how much he missed me. That he would be home tomorrow i was so happy i missed him.

He asked how my day was i told him it was great. I told him about the merger was completed with Jon company so now i could relax more. Jace was almost over worried these last few montha when i worked so hard but i was to stubborn to listen.

Made me wonder if he knew i was pregnant. Naw he would have said something i know Jace kids now. I was pusher to wait until we finished school he just agreed. I feel asleep while still on phone with Jace we do that often.

We both would wake up to dead batteries so we always kept a spare. I was eating everything in sight Jon said told you so. After i gave him the news i couldn't wait to tell Jace. "Tell me what" came most sexiest voice behind me.

I squealed like a little girl jumping into his arms. "Easy there Clary you should be more careful" i glared at him. He smiled, then it hit me you know dont you? "Of Course i do baby i love everything about you, did you not think i didnt notice the changes he asked?

Hoe long have you known of guessed? "A little over month so are you going to show me my baby pictures of not?" I giggled, how did you know that my husband has been keeping tabs on me. "I have my ways" he smirked at Jon! You two have been playing me all this time.

"Jace wanted to see how you would go without notice of it. I had to put you out your misery so i caved and told you Jon teased!" We both finally told our families and friends they were super excited. Izzy said finally i can join the mommy crew.

Simon recieved a promotion they were moving to near us only an hour away. I was happy i could see both my bestfriends more. Jace limited his trips not wanting to be far away from me. He kissed me and my belly every chance he got.

He was going to be a great father he was already the best husband. My hormones were all over the place i wouldn't let him rest sometime he didnt seem to mind. He gave me foot rubs often and cook all the time.

I gave birth to a handsome baby boy he had Jace face, curls but my eyes. Being a mother was the best i still manage to finish College top of my class. I became V.P of Jon's business over the next four years we made millions.

Money was never an issue between my Job and Jace finace's were great! Here i am again huge like whale with my second child a princess this time. "Momma wen will my siswa be here" Justin asked? "Soon son she stubborn like mommy" Jace teased!

I was passed my due date my labor was set for tomorrow. Justin was so happy to become a big brother. He said no one was allowed to her but mommy and daddy. Protective already my poor babygirl has to Herondale males as guards.

My birth went well Layiah was spitting image of Jace as well with my redhair. Boy my genes sucked major i thought! Justin gave glares as family members and friends ask to hold her. It was really cute how he would say "okay give ha back to momma now". He was best big brother ever.

I couldnt believe my life. I married the man of my dreams now we have two children. Jace said this was just the beginning to our happiness together.

The End

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