Chapter 11

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These past weeks have been great i have a boyfriend, a new second girl bestfriend and Simon finally moved here. He does not live to far from us maybe 15minutes away.

I went over to help him unpack we hugged forever. I missed him so much i cant wait for him and Jace to meet tomorrow at school. Simon wasn't happy i was dating the school player he didnt want me to get hurt.

Simon i have some Welcome to New york gifts. Clary you didnt have to do that he smiled! Yes, i did these kids at our school dress like supermodels. Well i dont want them teasing you so i got you a few things.

Clary he complained, Look i said at least wear the blazers over your outfit please. Try to dress close to how you do when we would go to art shows? Take my advise or they will tease you about being a geek Jace had already started.

"What" he said i smirked i told him you are a cool geek okay! Clary im not a geek im in a band or i was in a band. Wearing glasses shouldn't make me a geek Clary. I laughed calm down your my geek and i love you wouldnt change you maybe just your clothes.

He smiled Fine i'll wear the stupid jackets "Blazers i corrected him". Fray dont push it now he kissed my cheek i had to head home it was getting late.

I left Simon's house headed back home i can walk its not that far to catch a cab. Plus i like sight seeing i had a feeling like someone was following me. I turned around a man in black hoodie jacket covering his face stop to tie his shoe.

In saw him back when i first left from Simon's okay i was catching a Taxi now. I also called Izzy she said she will send her driver i told her no im getting in cab now. Izzy dont tell Jace, Well he was standing here he already ran out to meet you out front.

I sighed i didnt want Jace worrying over me being paranoid. It's just since that letter i felt like someone was watching me. I pulled up Jace was there worried look on his face.

He pulled me into his arms "Clary come on lets get inside" we walked to the elevator. Why did you tell Izzy you were afraid he asked as we got on the elevator? Jace i didnt want you worry im sure it's nothing i faked a smile.

Tell me, well a few weeks ago someone sent me a threaten letter. I thought maybe it was just a prank or joke i haven't received any after. Tonight i went to visit Simon i saw a man outside Simons then i saw him half way home.

I felt like somone was following me i turned around he started tying his shoe. I decided to take a cab i called Izzy. Clary you should have called me i dont care if it may not be serious or not he said sad. Trust me to protect you from anything i hugged him tighly.

Jace i always had a problem being paranoid my mom is the cause. When i was younger we were always on the move like she was escaping someone. My big brother was kidnap before i was born.

My dad use to abuse my mom she left him. You think it was him your father? I dont think so i think he is jail somewhere. Maybe when i was ten she calmed and let me do normal things.

Izzy said it could be one of your old flings. "Possible I've had a few stalkers and crazy girls" he said, i frowned are you serious! He smirked without me they go crazy he teased. Oh shut up Jace but i haven't received any other threats so its fine dont worry.

We were at my door now, Anyone home with you? Yes Luke is here mom will be home shortly. He kissed me call me when you get settled Love. Jace tomorrow you and simon will finally meet "I so excited NOT" he said "Kidding Clary" i smiled bye Jace.

I opened the door Luke i called "In here Clary" i walked to the kitchen. What are you cooking it smells great luke? Chicken Parmasen how is Simon he asked. He is fine i think i made him nervous about school we laughed.

Luke i heard you say you went to school with mom and Jace dad. Did you know my umm dad? Maybe you should wait for your mom and ask her questions. Mom wont tell me anything ever!

He sighed "Yes i did Clary we use to be bestfriends in school" before he changed. You married your bestfriend ex-wife i asked shocked. Clary its more complicated then that he looked worried discussing the subject.

What happened to him? Why was my mother so paranoid all those years? Clary i cant say anymore demand it from your mother tell her its time you know. Lets drop this subject for now please Luke said.

"Fine" i sigh but since you want to have family talk. We need to discuss you and Jace Herondale he said. I coughed looking down what about him? Clary the Herondale's are lady magnets be careful i have heard about Jace.

I know but he changing he never has been interested in a person so long i said. I see he made progress Clary i just want him to change his mind and hurt you. Are you guys using protection Luke asked?

Luke we are not having sex this subject is getting uncomfortable. Just take your time Clary dont rush anything he kissed my forehead. Go shower Dinner should be done by the time your done.

I walked into my room i cant believe wants to do the sex subject i thought i would never go throght it. My mom wouldnt talk about that with me at all. Luke heard about Jace reputation thats not good.

I know Jace will be good he opened up to me in a way he did with no one else. Everyone seems to think we would fail but Izzy that frustrated me. I showered dress in my Pj's "Clary hunny dinner is ready" Mom called.

Hi mom thanks Luke they were at the table eating already i joined. Luke this is great Mom you lucked out with Him. So you and Herondale, this cant be happening again by her now.

Luke told me he already talk to you so i dong have much to say. Those Herondale men are the most to fall for honey. They should be called the heart breakers i hope your doesnt turn out that way. He should join us one night for dinner.

We need to have a talk she said. Mom please dont embarass me i started eating again. Are they worst than my dad's bloodline slipped before i could stop myself. She froze and excused herself from dinner.

Luke im sorry it slipped. He frowned its okay Clary i will go talk with her. Make sure you clean up Clary he left to go comfort her in the room. I cleaned the dishes put the remaining food in containers.

I called Jace sadly i needed him to hold me. Can i come up for a little while. Sure he said buzzing me up it was so silent. Where is everyone? They just left for airport to get our parents.

He smiled you can finally meet them. I tried to fake smile he saw past it. What happened Clary why are you sad? I told him what i did at dinner after being mad at mom for talking about Jace family.

He held me walking over to the sofa sitting me down and picking a movie. "Grown ups" knowing i loved this movie it always made me laugh. I cheered up quickly he knew just what i needed.

I felt so safe in his arms sleep consumed me.

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