Chapter 18

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I woke in a dark room with a small bed and a chain attached to one of my wrist. I remembered  Valentine shot me i looked down to examine my wound. I was patched up that bastard shot me then healed me.

I looked to be in some kind of basement i sat up. The chain i wore allowed me to be walk around the room at least. There was a small bathroom i was in need of a bath badly.

I cleaned myself up there was a dresser full of clothes in the small closet i picked out something for bed. It appeared to be nighttime i heard a door above the steps open. I backed to corner of the room Valentine was there.

Aaw dear daughter you have finally awaken. I coming to feed your I.V. since you have been out for a 2weeks. Now you can eat yourself i will bring you dinner. He left came back with a steak and loaded potatoe i smelled so good.

He unlocked the door and sat the food and drink on the nightstand next to the bed. I looked at him he smiled dear i didnt poison it. If i wanted you dead you would be now eat he demanded.

I declined he walked up to me and slapped me several times. "Eat now you bitch you will regret it" he snarled! I started to eat with now my swollen check he came closer again. I almost choked because he sat on the bed next to me.

Good he asked, i nodded my head to imply yes. He smiled you look so much like your mother he rubbed my cheek. If you just listen to me i wont hurt you so badly he stood up and left.

Each day it went that way he would talk to me more while i was sleep. One day i woke up during him talking to me. He said how he still loves mom and will soon have her back.

He kept saying you look like my Jocelyn slapping himself. I was afraid he was going insane he started being more cruel now. Beating me more now for no reason.

One day he was really drunk he came down to talk again i was afraid he beat me senseless sober. I feared how he will be drunk. He came into the room saying how much he missed me.

Calling me Jocelyn, then he tried to kiss me. I jumped up dad its me Clary not Jocelyn what are you doing. He walked closer to me undoing his belt to his pants. No i screamed trying to get the chain off of me.

He punched me in the head pulling me to the bed. I was dazzed he hit me pretty hard i had no energy to fight he hadnt feed me in 3days. He chained my other hand started kissing my neck to my jaw then my lips.

Please dont dad i managed to say. He kissed me with more force now. Jocelyn baby im going to show you what you have missed. Ripping my shirt off i cried as he took off my bra and began to suck on my breast.

I tried to move him off but my body had no energy i felt numb which i thought would be good for whats coming. Valentine dont i said again. Baby i know how to make you feel good he said as he pulled off my bottom clothes.

Now i lay naked he began kissing my belly then lower and between my legs. I wanted to throw up and for it to be over with but the sick bastard was taking his time. He removed all his clothes now smiling at me grabbing my hair.

Jocelyn i missed you so much we will have another child. I groaned "Im Clary" then he forced himself in me i cried the entire time. He stood up and left me naked tied up. I felt really weak it wont be long i will be dead.

He doesnt feed me at all i wanted death at this point. My own dad raped me i cried. The door upstairs open he came down slid a tray of food and drink. He also had a few bags of food and drinks.

Im going away for maybe 2weeks i suggest you save your food eat smaller portions of food. Valentine let me go you sick bastard! He turned growling "Can me that again i'll show you just how sick i can be, he grabbed his private area".

I was afraid he would rape me again. As if he read my mind he spoke. Yes you should be afraid not only will i rape you again, i will make you do other things. I gulped, backing up as he eyed my breast.

Clary now you have me all worked up he opened the door. Gun in his hand now my dear i want you on your knees. "No" i said "I will kill you bitch" he snarled. I dont care anymore death is better at this point. He laughed and left i relaxed still shaking.

I ate the dinner and drink i needed to regain my energy and come up with a plan to escape. When he gets drunk he thinks i Mom i can use that against him. After several days of eating i had enough energy to work out now.

I needed to be strong i worked out 16hours a day. Its been almost a month he was still gone. Im glad i dont eat much i still had a good amount of food i can stretch for at least 2more weeks. I still just wanted to die but i would try to escape first.

I heard moving above me the door to the stairs open. Valentine was back and drunk slurring "Jocelyn baby im home" i smiled! My plan was put into effect. Valentine i missed you my husband why am i chained.

I want to hug you lets go to our room its dirty down here. He being to blink like he was in a dreaming "Jos it's really you". Yes baby now get me out of here so i can go cook dinner.

He slowly opened the door went to the chains to unlock them. Jos baby i waited so long for you to return i knew you would he smiled. I played along come on baby you had alot to drink i grab him we walked up the stairs.

It was very elegant Home i went to the kitchen started putting on food cooked dinner. He continued to drink i smiled perfect he will pass out soon. We ate dinner at the table after he sayed lets go to bed.

I went nervous i cant sleep with him i will knock him out myself. I grab a hammer on the way to the room not needed, he passed next to the bed. I ran to his body grabbed his keys and ran outside.

I gasped looking at my surrounding i was in London i jumped in the car before he woke up. I drove away stop when i felt far enough i opened the trunk. I smiled as i found a bag with our Id's and passports and money.

I booked the first flight i saw to USA no flights were headed to New York until 2days. I felt better as i made my way on the plane checking each person praying he wouldnt show up.

Finally i reached Florida i felt free had to find a way back to New York. The flight was expensive i used a pay phone to call my mom. They were wiring me money and booked a private jet to get me there faster.

The police escorted me to the airport and more would be waiting when i land. My thoughts went to the torture and rape he did i felt dirty. I hugged myself who would want me now im damaged now.

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