Chapter 19

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Jace Pov

The Doctor was holding the DNA results. "Hello everyone will you all take a seat for the results" i looked worried! Hoping this child was not mine, but then if not i ruined me and Clary for nothing.

Aline is laughing "This is stupid its Jace baby he's was the only one" she said nervous! Jace in the results of baby Jordin you are not the father the Doctor said. "Yes" i screamed with tears of joy along with my family.

"That cant be do it again its a lie" Aline started to say. Jace baby its our baby she pleaded. I shook my head at her disgused. I hope you find the father i told her.

The doctor interupted us "Actually we did another test with someone else at his request". Everybody looked confused, Jon said no way im not laughing. In walked Sebastian, im here Doctor he said!

Aline looked shocked, Seb why are you here this is not your baby she growled. Aline stop with the lies we slept together everyweek up today. No he haven't she argued, Jace baby i love you!

Aline shut up you lying whore and try to make up with Seb clearly he's cleary the father. You will never have my heart Clary has it always. She pouted, Seb im sorry i just thought it was best to keep it secret.

Okay people the doctor opened the second package "Sebastian Verlac you are the father 99.99% chance". I ran out the hospital now that its over i need to find Clary.

Jon ran after me, Jace wait up he called. I know some demons that may know Valentine's location. Jon phone ring he was smiling and asking questions. I waited going insane you know whats going on.

We on our way there now thanks Mom he said. Jace she escaped and is on a flight back now we need to get to airport he said. I was already running to car after he said flight back.

End Pov

The flight felt so long i felt so empty and dirty. I tried to sleep but all i would dream about is my dad raping me. He knew it was me the entire time he did it, i thought he imagined me as mom.

But what he said after he would do showed he knew and didnt care. He wanted more i should haved killed him he will find me again. What have i done he will find me i was so scared!

Jon will protect me, Jace im sure had his baby by now. Him and Aline are a couple he choose her over me. Why did i ever trust him he broke me just as bad as Valentine.

Maybe he was working with Valentine how did he know i headed home when he took me. How could i be so stupid and fall for him. I loved him he ripped out my heart, while my helped stab it!

The plane finally landed i saw Mom and Luke with The Police waiting. I smiled at least they love me and Jon i thought. I ran off the plane into my mom's arms.

"Clary sweetie i so glad your back and escaped that monster how are okay baby?" I just cried more No mom im not i told her. Her eyes wided "What did he do" she asked serious.

I cant say i told her, she bit down on her lip we will talk later she said. Another car pulled up as my back was turned. I was pulled away into Jon's arms he whispering how he missed me.

I was happy to see them my family that wouldnt hurt me.

Another pair of arms grabbed me into an embrace Jace i saw. I screamed to top of my lungs punching at him "Get away from him dont touch me dont hurt me!" He let go of me instantly looking confused and worried.

I fell to the ground and balled up began to shake, my family ran to me to calm me. The shaking wouldn't stop i felt like i was going to pass out. We need to get her to the hospital i heard mom yell i faded away unconscious.

Jocelyn Pov

Clary went into shock when Jace touched her and passed out. We rushed her to the hospital she was badly bruised. After some time later the Doctor came back to tell us she was stable.

He wounds physically would heal we all were glad. The Doctor he asked to speak with me and Luke in private.

We entered a office with him "I have disturbing news you said she was taken by her father he asked? Yes i respond, Im sorry she has been sexually assaulted."

"What the fuck No not my baby he didnt" i screamed falling to my knees! Luke held me tight "Jocelyn we will help her get through this you need to be strong for her" he said. His own flesh and blood was all i said.

I should have protected her better, its my fault. "No baby it isnt Valentine is sick and twisted please dont blaim yourself" he cried also. Im going to kill him. We left the doctor's office i need to see my daughter i left for her room.

I walked to her bed to hold her hand until she wakes up.

Luke's Pov

I knew Valentine was evil but i never thought he was that sick. His own daughter i have to help Jocelyn and Clary through this. The boys are pacing back and forth in the Lobby raising hell to find out why Jocelyn was screaming.

Clary and Jace aren't on good terms but she will need his support. Im not sure why she freaked out at him hugging her earlier. Jocelyn is in the room with Clary i need to talk to the boys. They both love her so much.

Jace and Jon follow me outside we need to talk. I wasnt sure how they would take the news its safer of they aren't near people. They both have tempers and Clary is their breaking point.

"What the fuck is going on Luke whats wrong with Clary why was Jocelyn screaming just now" Jace demanded? Boys i should wait for her to tell you, but she's to fragil right now. Clary will need you more than ever i sighed.

Valentine did alot of physical damage to Clary some will heal soon. Others may not it will effect her emotionally as well. We found out that Valentine raped Clary i said with tears!

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