Chapter 20

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Jon Pov

I fell to my knee's "I am going to murder that sick son of a bitch!" Jace actually kicked over good size tree and threw it screaming and crying. I had no tears but i was furious he will pay for what he did to her.

Jace has been crazy without Clary now this i know he's getting it worst than anyone. I know Clary would've forgiven him after the baby wasn't not his. After begging and alot of making up but the way Valentine broke my sister. Clary may never trust a male in that way again.

The way she respond when Jace touched her i think anyone involve intimacy she relapsed and freaked out. I need to be there for my sister every step.

Jace Pov

Every nerve in my body is fueled with Rage! I want to go look for him now Clary will need me most. Even though she had a panick attack when i touched her i understood.

We have trust issue after what happened with Aline. Valentine destroyed her she resents everyone but the one's she already trust. I will gain back her trust and help her even if it takes 10years. My past came back to haunt me that lead to me making her leave.

Everything is my fault! If i'd told Aline to go to hell my baby or not Clary wouldn't have left. Valentine couldnt take her while i was by her side. My dad has extra body guards watching her now armed given kill order.

How could he do that to his own daughter i just dont get it. I wont rest until i see the life drained from eyes. I have to figure out a way for Clary to be near me without passing out again.

It saddens me that i cant be there when she wakes up because she emotionally unstable right now. I will never give up on my Clary i feel that everything will work out. Clary needs to be shown that real love does exist not just sick fucks like Valentine!

End Pov

I woke feeling not as sore but emotionally i felt broken. I notice a hand was holding mine i look over it was my mother. Mom i whispered, Oh baby it glad your awake you will be okay we will make it through this she cried!

Does she know im guessing the Doctor's check me and saw i was raped. God what will Jace think, why do i care i dont trust him anymore. Why did i freak out when he hugged me.

Im crazy now what is wrong with me no one will ever want me now im to damaged. I hate myself i want to die to not feel it all. He should have killed me i said out loud forgetting my mom was here.

"Clary dont you say that, you did nothing wrong your father is sick and twisted" she pleaded! I know but i feel dirty why would anybody want me now i hate myself. She grabbed me and hugged me saying everything will be okay.

Luke came in a little later i smiled! I know Luke will never hurt me im glad he was there as my father. Jon and Simon came i  at the sametime everyone was very silent. I sure they were nervous about triggering my craziness i dont blame them.

Izzy and Alec called me but i was still looking at the door expecting someone. Maybe i pushed him away for good with my craziness. Good im to flithy for him he made the right choice but i still felt sad i missed him. Simon asked for us to be alone after i sighed sadly!

Simon Pov

Clary looked so broken she fake smiled with us all. Im her bestfriend she will talk to me more i asked everyone to leave. I knew she needed Jace but i heard how she freaked when he touched her.

I knew why she did so Jace broke her trust but she still loves him. It scares her to think that he may treat her like Valentine because he betrayed her before. Clary alot has happened to you, you are strong dont give up on us.

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