Chapter 14

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The next few weeks have been interesting Kaelie continued to stare daggers at me. She told everybody her and Jace baby had a miscarriage. Liar is what Izzy and the school called her.

Me and Jace were at least on talking terms considering his family are my bestfriends. Izzy and Simon are officially dating now. A new student arrived today Jonathan Christopher Jace had competition girls were drooling.

Its weird he has redhair and green eyes like me a little taller than Jace their muscle structures were very similiar. Jace walked to our table during breakfast glaring at me looking at the new student. He frowned, then look at what held my attention then curse under his breath.

I wasnt attracted to the new student but something pulled me to get to know him. Kaelie and Aline are his top groupies those two girls put the "S" in Slut! Clary what are you drawing for the artfair Jace interupted my starring at the new boy.

I looked at him replying, Im not sure yet i actually forgot about it shrugging i'll think of something. "Hi Im Jonathan do you mind if i sit at your table" a deep male voice interupted us i looked up into green eyes. I felt something as i eyes locked not what i felt with Jace but close.

Jace mumbled "Out of all the tables you come to our's" i kicked Jace leg. "Ow Clary what the hell" he complained! Sure you can sit here and Excuse Jace he kind of rude. Im Clary by the way, This Izzy and her brother Alec and my bestfriend Simon.

Everybody said there Hello's the bell rung for class. Jonathan had first period math with me, he asked me about myself and life very intersted. Kaelie came over "Hey Jon you can join me during lunch today" rolling her eyes at me.

Sure thing beautiful he smiled! Him and Jace seem to have so much in common big flirts i giggled. He looked at me "what" he asked? You flirt like Jace you may take some of his girls we both laughed! Did you date him he asked?

I stop smiling, Umm kinda briefly i said saddly. He's a fool to let you go no girl here can stop you. "Thank you Jonathan" he was nice to me but not in a flirting way more like a big brother.

Next class started Sharon and Aline had my class talking about Jon. Sharon he is so hot but it's weird how he and Clary look alike, Aline whispered.

You should totally date him you guys will be the top couple like me and Seb. Sharon whispered back to Aline they were talking about how Jace has competition now.

I had another Class with Jon and Jace they gave each other killer stares. Jace sat next to me but Jon sat behind me in class. Hey Clary you want to study later for the math test Jon asked.

"Umm im not sure" i saw Jace tense next to me fist clenched. Why do you care to spare his feelings he was same one who flauted a new girl the next day after dumping you. "Actually that would be great Jon here's my number text me after school" he smiled.

Lunch time is here we all sat at our table as normal. Jon came over "Sorry i cant sit with you guys the Ladies request me" we all laugh but Jace. "Ha he goes to them" Jace teased.

Somebody sounds Jelly Simon said. Fuck you geek your lucky Izzy even lowered herself for you Jace growled. Jace i yelled-Simon cut me off "I got this Clary" i shook my head okay.

Jace just because you messed up your happiness doesn't give the right to down talk others. You think your such hot shit yet your alone miserable now a new guy is taking all your girls.

I'll be a Geek than a lonely Asshole anyday Simon yelled! We all looked shocked Jace balled his fist up looked at me and left the table. Jace looked back at me while he walked out the double doors.

I thought i saw him look sad. I was proud of Simon but i know Jace is hurting i wanted to know why. I'll be back you guys i left to find Jace. I found him in the spot we broke up looking down at his hands.

Jace i called, he tense but didnt look at me. I sat next to him he closed his eyes ignoring me. Jace why are you sad, i know we broke up but you can talk to me. He sighed, I just mi-nevermind he said. Jace talk to me please i grabbed his hand.

His eyes flew open our eyes locked we haven't done that since before we broke up. "I miss you" he whispered i gasped not expecting him to say that. What i said?

I miss you Clary Simon was right i am miserable always have been after my mom until i meet you. I made the worst mistake that took away my only happiness "You" now i cant get you back. I cant bare you dating other guys.

I haven't been with anyone since before you Clary trust me its a big deal. Sharon did give me oral sex but thinking of you stop it from escalating. She got mad and left because i wanted to sabatoge your date that night at the movies.

Just now i wanted to beat the shit out if Mr.Redhead for asking to study. I want you and only you but i dont know what else to do. You avoided alone time with me now it seems you are over me.

I loved you since we meet and i wont go away but i dont want it to Jace said looking more relaxed. My mouth was open why didnt you say something before Jace why now? Because you dont seem to notice me anymore Clary he looked down again.

How can you say you Love me but you left me and let me go so easily i sobbed. He sighed again, i didnt i just didnt know how to fix it. So i use other girls to make you jealous because its all i know how to do.

Jace i Love you also but we need to take things slow. His head shot up he smiled and bear hug me. You Love me Clary really! "Yes" i answered but we are just friends see what happens from there.

He smiled and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I didnt pull away we both did to breathe, Jace friends dont kiss i pouted! Sorry i couldnt help it he winked the bell rang we left for class.

Later Jon came over to study with me Jace and Izzy dropped by saying they had to study as well. Jace stayed after they left to kiss my cheek goodnite. He text as soon as he reached upstairs as well. Jon also text me goodnight after he reached home.

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