Chapter 3

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Lunch time i notice their table was just them and one of their friends. Sebastian sat by me smiling "Hey Clary what are you eating for lunch? he asked"

I dont know whats good to eat i asked him. Well seeing you have such a nice figure the salads are good here. We even have protein drinks you have to keep that body healthy. I laughed God his flirting was just as bad as Jace.

Sebastian had a baby face he was cute and a nice smile. Jace walked up with his food caught me checking out Sebastian. Jace froze then sat down he turned his back to us whats his problem?

So you want to hang out after school Bass asked? I saw Jace head shift and turn a little obviously to listen to our conversation. "I would love to" i answered Jace sighed! But i have plans for my later already and an artshow sorry.

Next time then he smiled and walked over to sit with Jace. Izzy laughed saying "Man this is the best day ever." What Why? i asked "I've never seen Jace jealous ever until now its very fascinating" she giggled!

I thought he just was flirting as he always does but now i see he actually likes you. After his mom died when he was 9 he just used people other than us his family he doesn't trust people. Clary do you like Jace also she asked?

"No" i said to quickly she just laughed. Lunch ended Jace walked up to me annoyed "I see lunch was great for you? He said rudely" Thats none of your business and no need to be so rude loverboy. 

The bell rung for lunch to end. I snatch my books started walking away to fast my heels slid down i went.

He caught me again, Jace was fast everyone else had almost left the cafeteria. Jace held me in his arms longer than he should smiling! "Clary if you wanted me to hold you just ask you dont have get me jealous and pretend to fall so much".

His eyes were beautiful golden my favorite color. I blushed again his hand rubbed my red cheek then he kiss my cheek, i froze he looked at my lips. "Dude come on were going to be late" Bass complained.

"Hey man you cant hold my girl that way" Bass teased winking at me. He stood us up bringing his kiss to my cheek was stuck in my head.

Jace was talking to me now our final class he asked "So can i go with you after school to watch you draw?" He was evasdropping on me and Bass, i smiled Simon usual came and watch me paint or daw. Sure but you may get bored i warned.

I was just going to the roof of our building to draw the city view. Its a date then, i mean not a date but i umm just umm see you after school. He was nervous i giggled and blush, he touched my cheek the same spot he kissed earlier.

I called Simon after school told him about my day his voice changed when he mention Jace. I told him he was going to watch me draw maybe i sound to excited. Simon teased me to not replace him "Never" i promised him.

Jace help me carry my materials to draw up to the roof. Time past so fast i was done drawing the view of the city. Jace didnt notice started to Draw him until he caught me glacing at him several times.

See something you like he asked? Yes your face brightens the sky you would be a good model to draw. He grinned, thanks Clary blushing!

I was done with both after 2hours. I showed them to Jace he gasped "Clary this is really good and beautiful" when he saw the picture of him he blushed more. Place it drawings in the folder he pulled me to him.

"Why did you draw me i though you said you only draw things beautiful you like? he asked." Oh i cant tell him i like him he is the school player. I lied, replying i guess i made an exception on you he frowned releasing me.

His mood shift he frowned i have to go are you done? he asked rudely. "Yes" he gathered the things walked them back to my door walked off without saying a word. What the hell he is bi-polar and doesn't take rejection well.

I changed clothes i called Izzy asking if they were still going to the art show at 7pm. Yes  she came to get me saying how suprised Jace was going he never went before. The art show was the building across from us so we just walked.

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