chpt 28) Sulli's death & award show prep

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1st october 2019

i have just arrived back in seoul.i have gotten off the plane and i am now going back home. i had plans to go to london for a few hours to see my parents , but i couldn't afford it due to the award show season coming up.i was still in the clothes from the chanel show and it caught a few eyes in the sorry , i work 24/7 i really dint have time to get changed. on the plane i had been editing and re reading my "bighit community talk/speech" thing and it is officially done , just waiting of a few more statistics .we had picked up our luggage and are about to reach the doors to leave the airport.all artists have one staff member that we call "the checker" , the go ahead to see if anyone is at the airport doors or if anyone is outside our homes/offices/carparks(ect.)we had implemented the "airport photography ban" and in all honesty , it worked really well at the paris airport , there were no fansites (the took pictures at the chanel event) and there was only a french paparazzi at the airport (but he was dealt with and he never took any photos , turns out he didn't know of the ban so he apologised and left calm ..we stan).the checker went ahead of us and as we reached him and the door he sighed before saying the words i dread "it is fansites.a few saesangs.13 news companies.2 paparazzi"....i sighed and looked at security. we have no choice , i have an interview in two hours ....fuuuuuckkkk meee.we moved forward. we barged our way past everyone , i didn't even have a face mask or hat on which is just fucking great is it not.once we reached the car...eventually , i ringed yoona and gave her each and every single name of the saesangs , news companies and paparazzi there.she wrote them down and began emailing them  (that they are no longer invited to any future bighit held events and that they will be sued next time they take photos of me in a airport when it is not permitted).

i arrived home and i had an hour to relax before the interviewer promised with anna wintour today and a while ago  , i was going to do a "73 questions with diamond" interview...and this is my only free time right now so i had to fit it in.

during the hour , i had taken a shower , redid my makeup and had gotten was not that productive , but at least it was something .

it was exactly 7:55 when i got a call from he guards at the gate that they had arrived . as soon as it had hit 8 , the interviewer was knocking on my door. we had planned for this to only be one take , good or bad as i really have no spare time.the interview began

interviewer: hey diamond , so lovely to see you , may we come in ?

me: yes, that was question 1 ? 

interviewer: yes , it was .okay so first question . do you like your new house?

me: yes i do , very much

interviewer: the building had finished earlier in the year , and for most of the year you have travelled , but how long would you say you have spent in the house so far this year?

me: this is embarrassing , but maybe around a week.i rarely stay at home... i am either on a plane , at the office or somewhere you want to follow me into the kitchen?

interviewer: yes , sure of rumour has it in the fashion world that you rarely stay for more than five minutes after the models have finished on a runway at a fashion show, is this true?

me: yes , it is. for fashion shows i have a very rigid schedule to follow. i go there right on time or  few minutes early , i watch the runway , i meet the designer then i leave.

interviewer: why?

me: well i watch the show , because that is what i am there to do. then i leave before everyone else because everyone else there is there to socialise and i need to get back to the hotel to practise for concerts or ceremonies.i wish i had the time to stay....but unfortunately i don't

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