chpt63) bangbang con,my series/vlog and album overview

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the album over view ( called - shush)

1 - shut the       up

   this song calls out people who comment on pictures and posts. it also comments out on betrayals i have had in secret ways. the chorus says 'so if its not nice , shut the fuck up'. it received a lot of minor controversy at first. but then it received a lot of praise for its direct call out and the last line. the last line was really dramatic , it says ' no really , keep commenting until you are sued or your comments are tattooed in my mind as i lie in my grave."that caused so much stir up. the members really liked it and a lot of my friends said they really liked it had no singing parts , it was all rap.

2 - i see you

 this song was just for sasaengs and reporters. a lot if the lines were direct references to articles. with quotes such as ' the two were seen in seoul' or ' thousands turned up at the airport'. it also had references to when people were found in my hotel room and the bridge of the song , it also says ' you call yourself a fan , so why do you make me so unhappy. if you really care for me , you would give me space. and hey you, yeah you who tries to ruin my career , no one cares for your shitty article, we all know who paid for you to release it". when i tell you i nearly drove all my sasaengs insane. one of them even called me out on her social media, but fans reported her account to twitter and they got it removed. 

3 - diamond challenge 

   this was specifically for the people who showed up at the hospital that night. only for them. it was a song that had no rap , just singing. it mentioned parts such as 'lets turn this into a fashion show if you care that much'. it also had quotes such as ' here's your seat , here's your popcorn , my concert will begin here at the doors of a hospital' or ' dont send undercover nurses , no ones is dumb enough to not see'.but my favourite quote was ' next time , come , you can see me as i get dragged out to the cemetery, would that bring enough views and click to make you realise how stupid you look or will it boost your greed'.i am telling you now , i was shocked by the response.

4 - inure

the word itself means to grow accepting of what something is, despite its negativity.this song was about flowers...but in reality it was about how i presented myself. it said that 'the thorns are fake , the rose is weak'. it meant just that , this facade of happiness , friendship and who i am as a person in the media....isnt it. ' water the rose , watch it break apart whilst you frantically try to stick it back together'. this part was to explain , that maybe if you listened to me as a person and watch what i release , it would help you realise who i acctually am.

5 - me?

this song is the opposite of everything i have worked for with bts. the entire love yourself series. the song is an epitome of self loath and she esteem issues.but most people dont even realise that , that was the meaning of the song.the lyrics were mostly about how i felt as that i cant practise what i preach and it was true.i think the line that stuck out the most to me was ' i would slap you but i dont know in which face'.here i meant to myself.i would do that to myself , but i dont know which side of me...the public side or the real side to me. most people thought the song was about how harry had betrayed me , but the song had nothing to do with him.

6 - Ineffable

girl let me tell you , this song was just calling out most interviewers i have ever had. it had lines such as ' why am i famous in your country? shut up, you just want me to smile at your racist mind" or " an entire album in your language? i can speak 8 languages and you cant even say hello in my korean or any other language'. it had korean and english wordplays and rm said it was his favourite song on the album.the word itself means 'too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words' and it relays directly to the main line that says ' there are 2 million words i know but none can describe how much i hate you".

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