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I was thankful I had made Titus and I remain abstinent for a month.

But today marked a new month...his birthday month.

Foolish was I to believe I would be yearning for his touch, to be held in the sanctuary of his arms.

I wanted nothing more than to run away... from Alexandria, from this foreign land I had grown to loathe. I couldn't fathom to look at his face... after what he did to Itai...I would never forget.

What other secrets could the god of Egypt be hiding from me?


I know you better than you know yourself so I know you miss him, no matter how much you want to deny it.

But you must act is if everyone and everything is normal. Pretend as if he never called off the invasion. Pretend he never did what he did to Itai....
Be consistent with plan prior to you falling in love with him. Be submissive so he will know nothing is wrong while we plan our attack.

You said it was his birthday soon? Tell him you forgive him and please him. Break your silence and talk to him. It will only make the plan go smoother.

Itai is fine and says he misses you every day. He curses himself for leaving you in Alexndria.

Rest easy sister.

A heavy knock rattles my door and I quickly jumped to stuff the letter behind my bedframe. Titus stood came into my room and stood at the end of the doorframe. He stared at me silently as I took in his features. I had refused to acknowledge him these past couple of days. What he did to Itai was unforgivable.

But...I thought of  Zuhar's recent letter and frowned. I knew I had to pretend to forgive him and act as if all was well.... for Zothando.

"Nakini... I am coming to you as a your love to apologize for my deceit." he says, running a palm through his curls in frustration.

I stood from my bed and went over to the window to observe the rising sun against the plains of Alexandria.

"I am not sorry for what I did to your friend, but I am sorry for keeping it from you." he spoke again. The space between us was nonexistent as he pressed himself against my shoulders. I nodded softly and bent to kiss his ring in reverence. "I had some time to think. I cannot hold a narrow-minded grudge over something you did."


"Shh" I placed my finger across his lips and kissed his them. My theatrics were at an all time high as I pretended to forgive him. He sighed softly, relieved that I had finally succumbed to his pleas. I would soften my heart to him little by little....until my sister gave the signal to attack.


ehh about 20 days later? Some time has passed


Titus cupped my jaw into his palm as he planted every inch of my face with his kisses. "I love you Nakini" he curses, taking in my every form. "The sun has risen and you have not said a word. Do you forget what today is? " he clues me in. I opened my eyes with fake surprise and cursed.

"It is the start of your birthday week" I giggled knowingly.

" is the end of our agreement to be abstinent" he growled, cupping a breast beneath the warmth of his palm. I gasped, unaccustomed to his demanding touch and blushed.

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