Sound Advice

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I gently soaked in the waters of my bath house, wincing as the warmth of the water stung my back. It had been 6 days since we had last came from Zothando and although my back was partially healed, the scars still stung. My sprained ankle was no better either; I still blamed Titus for it as well.

My mind drifted to the plans of the invasion happening in 4 months, the one Titus had promised against my land.

Just before we left, I assigned Zuhar to be the correspondent with the people of the land, making sure our army and men were in check. We had to be on top of things if we wished to come out victorious. I had been sending letters to her with sketches of the architecture of the palace. This would put us at an advantage. Maybe I should write her again after my bath here?

The servants finished washing my braids, spraying me with smelling oils before they bowed to leave me to relax. I went to wrap my towel around my shivering body, shaking loose the moisture from my braids. Just as they left, the queen came into the curtains and stood at the entrance of the steamy room. Although I was higher in rank, I fell to my knees and showed my respect.

"Please rise Nakini . You know that is not necessary" she lifted me up.

"I still show respect mother queen" I explained. She led me up and smiled warmly. I felt pity for her as she had to live the rest of her days a widow.

"I see you and my son have been getting along quite well" she smiled. I scoffed at her inaccurate assumption but chose to remain silent. She laughed at my silence and shifted a braid back into its place.

"Nakini....I know that you were brought here against your will." she confessed. I only remained silent and turned to stare at the crystal waters. There was nothing she could do...we were to far into the marriage.

"Although I love my son, I do know what he is capable of." she hinted, looking at my back with sadness. The deep gashes of each wound was apparent. I lifted my towel to shield them in shame. I knew the news of my punishment had probably traveled through the workers and servants in the palace.  A soft tear dropped from her face as she stared at me with pity. It was as if...this situation was familiar to her.

Although she was his mother, she knew it best not to say a thing; he was the king after all. She rested a soft palm against my cheek and smiled. "He is not only stubborn, but he is more hard headed than you. You two will bicker and yell until one of you dominates."

"Then I will never stop fighting!" I fumed, crossing my hands over my chest in rebellion.

"Nakini, Titus is the pharaoh. The god of Egypt! He will be the only victor in this quarrel of two" she hinted.

"Mother, I cannot just sit here and submit to his orders! I was raised as a free spirit. We will always clash" I explained to her.

"Then you know what you must do" she hinted.

"I am not clear" I tilted my head, wondering what she meant.

"Do you forget that you are a woman Nakini?"

I lifted a brow as she leaned forward to push my braids to the side, showing off my chest. "One swivel of your hip and he will bend under your spell. If you cannot be submissive, then seduce him. Put him under your spell."

"...I think we already slept together. He has not spoken to me since our return from Zothando. What a lousy woman am I"

"Think?" she curled her lips with curiosity.

"I was drunk and gave myself to him the first night"

"Why do you say think? Do you not remember the night?" she pried.

"Yes...not a thing"

"Well..did he deny it?" she asked again.

"Yes... he said nothing happened"

"Was there blood on the sheets" she assess the situation.

"Not from what I remember or observed"

"Then believe him. Titus is many things, but a man? He is that first. He would never lie about an exploit. He would brag to you if he did."

I pondered her words but remained silent. "Even with this news, I cannot pretend to be in love with a man who is as evil as he. What kind of man disciplines his wife with such force? The trip to my homeland only reviled our hatred for each other....we hate each other more than before we traveled."

"Because to him, you are a only contract. He sees you nothing more as his property to maintain peace.
Be his weakness and be his peace" she urged me.

"I refuse!" I spat, titling my head to the air, "to love him? I rather die."

"And you will after he carries out the attack on your people" she assured me. My eyes opened in shock as I heard her revelation.

"Nakini... you must." she said sternly, "I know you are not daft. That invasion will continue with or without you"

"How did you know?"

"It is my job as a mother to know. Succumb to his authority." she pleaded, "it is the only way you will come out alive" she held my hands, "he weakens when he sees a woman being submissive to him."

I only looked away to the waters in denial. I couldn't bring myself to say yes. "Take my heed young one. For advice taken from the wise will prove useful in the future" she stood and kissed both cheeks before she left.


Mom said:

Mom said:

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