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Imma mess...

Zuhar was changed back to Nakini! It was such a nice name idk why I changed it! Nostalgia I guess.



Her people ride into Alexandria with a legion of chariots. I watch them from the balcony as they pushed away my guards. Her mother and father dismounted from their chariots and stormed into the palace. Anger filled their eyes.

"Where is our daughter?" they yelled at my guards. Habakkut tried to calm them as they attempted to push past the barrier of staff.

Nakini comes from the shadows and grabbed my forearm, leaning her soft skin against my arm. "Wow...they look mad" she sighed with pride.

"So they do" I muttered, thinking of ways to appease their anger. She placed her soft palms against my shoulder and rested her lips against my neck" you're in trouble🎶" she hummed and snapped away from me.

She sang a happy tune as she climbed down the stairs to greet her party. As soon as they could see her, she turned on her theatrics "Mama BABA!!!!" she ran to them and collapsed into their arms. Her people gasped as she fainted into their arms.

I rolled my eyes with exhaustion; I knew she did the most for a reaction.

"So our suspicions were right! The kingdom of Alexandria has taken our daughter!!" her mother fumed.

"Who is responsible for this insight. I want to know now!" The king yelled. Before Habakkut had a chance to address them I interjected. "I am." my voice boomed as I climbed down the steps. Their people turned to me and glared.

"And after our peace conference!" the king fumed, "Prince Titus! Are you aware you have taken a prisoner of our kingdom thus, violating the terms of out peace treaty? We can declare war for something as serious as this!" her father continued, stepping closer to me.

She fainted in her mother's arms again as someone ran to bring her water, ringing a soft cloth to place on her forehead.

"She was no prisoner. In fact...she has been fed and well rested" I shrugged.

"Does this look like a fed and well rested individual to you" they point to their daughter.

"I don't mean to be so bold... but you know as well as I, that the princess is keen on theatrics"

"What is going on?" my mother stepped down from the stairs. Her face still looked swollen from her tears.

"One of your sons has taken the future queen of Zothando as a prisoner!"

"What!" my mother gasped. Nakini opened one eye as she watched me perish.

"This foolish prince—-" her mother began to fill in my mother.

"Pharaoh" I corrected her.

"Pardon?" she turned to face me.

"The former king of Alexandria has just passed. I was named the king in a ceremony just a few moments ago. I am the now the reigning Pharaoh of Egypt" I announced. A smirk cloaked my lips as the princess jerked up from her servants arms, surprised by the sudden news.

"My condolences for calling you out of your title" her mother bowed her head in reverence.

"Prepare a light meal for thé travelers and ready the rooms for the guests. We will discuss the arrangements surrounding the circumstances" I announced. My servants and guards ran to fulfill each duty.

"Habakkut, take the royal family to the specialty quarters" He nodded and pointed them to step in front of him. She stumbled across the tile as her people helped her to walk. She she started back at me and winked before she ascended up the stairs.

I couldn't not deny it, she was was good, but I was Titus, the youngest and wisest pharaoh of Alexandria . She was unaware of this, but I always had something up my sleeve.


She came down, refreshed from her dramatic journey. Her mother looked just as beautiful as her. I knew I had to think of a way to save myself and Alexandria, a kingdom like theirs would go to war over something like this.

"This food lacks seasoning!" she announced, loud enough for the table to hear.

"Nakini! Behave" her mother hit her wrist and scolded her to hush.

"She is rebellious. A free spirit indeed" I announce.

"Characteristics for the best prisoner" she smiled and leaned her cheek against her palm.

"Prisoner?" I asked, pretending to be surprised at her accusation.

"Yes pris-o-ner" she emphasized each syllable. She scoffed and turned to her parents, wondering why I was acting daft.

"Dear king and queen of Zothando, I wish to talk with you alone. The fake fainting, the theatrics? It it seems like the princess is not in her right mind."

"What are you trying to imply?" she piped.

"Clearly, your daughter is mistaken. She was no Prisoner. She was in the village and became a stowaway in my party. Perhaps there was a lack of understanding knowing the differences in our native speech ?" I suggested, "She was in the village of your kingdom dressed in commoner clothes" I tattled.

"Nakini? Why were you at the outskirts of the palace? I thought I had grounded you?" her mother snapped.

"I—I—" she began to stutter, trying to think of an excuse.

"She was a stowaway in one of our caravans. Once we discovered her, she fainted and was fatigued from the long journey. We knew it best to take her to our land where we have the best healers and nursed her back to health. The trip to take her back to your distant land in that condition would have proved useless. My mother recognized her as a princess and took her in, under her private court."

"Lies!" she yelled.

"I visited her everyday in my mother's private quarters until she got getter. She was treated like nothing but a princess" I finished my lie and smiled, sipping a dark glass of wine. She was fuming as she heard my lie.

I knew I could simply lie and said she ran away. She would be punished by her parents and returned home; But no.... I would not let her get off that easy....

"He is LYING!! A lie!" she protested, "he took me as a prisoner and just found out yesterday that I was a princess!" she protested.

"I think the after effects of the medicine have not worn off" I informed her parents. Her mother pulled her down and coxed her to relax.

The ball was in my playing field now.

Maybe keeping her here would be advantageous to me? Especially moving forward with my plans to invade their land.

"Well being a young prince...turned pharaoh, you do know each land must prepare a gift or sacrifice for Alexandria?"

"We have given 100 cattle to your empire as our offering." the king interjected.

"And wonderful cattle they were. But I want my  offering for next year in advance." I sat back in my chair, playing my pieces right.

"But the young cattle must grow. We cannot give you 200 to spare and survive in our land. We need them for cheeses and meets."

"Well... we have seen to come to an impasse."

"It seems we have" the king answered.

"But... I am a open minded person. I know the laws of your land and a princess who is virginal at the age of 16 is on trend to be married."

"Yes she is in talks to marry the prince of Thebes" her mother interjected.

"Cease those plans. I desire Nakini as my offering." I chimed, staring at her victoriously.

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