Brother Dearest

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I washed my mouth clean with the mint leaves the servants had left and clean myself in Titus's bath. I soaked and scrubbed my body in the warm tub, desperately trying to rid myself of the sins of my lust.

My mind wandered to thoughts of the invasion and my homeland. Would he really stop the invasion for me? Despite his adamant past?

Maybe... if I searched his room, I could find a clue to send back to Zuhar? I remembered I saw Habakkut holding some scrolls that differed from the ones sitting on Titus's desk? Maybe the plans for the invasion on my kingdom would be somewhere in his room .

But how long would Titus's meeting last with his council and advisors?

I climbed out the tub and ran to the main room to search each drawer. Those invasion plans had to be somewhere in here and now was my time to act!

I shifted through each drawer, flipping open binders and cones of paparyus. One by one, I counted each scroll, meticulously reading through each text to find the clue.

"Curses!" I whispered, I couldn't find them anywhere.

"You will not find them in here" a voice sounded behind me.

I had been caught!

I turned around to face the voice and started, curious to see who it belong to. A man unfamiliar to me stood at the entrance of the room. He was as tall as Titus, his hair falling across his head in tight curls. His skin was a deep olive brown while his nose was broad and thick. His features were almost identical to the king's.

(Y'all think he makes a good Ramses? Or does he make a better Titus?)

(Y'all think he makes a good Ramses? Or does he make a better Titus?)

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"Who let you in here?" I questioned him

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"Who let you in here?" I questioned him.

"I let myself in" he answered shortly, circling around me. I shielded my breasts as he invaded my body with his eyes.

"Titus always did get the prettiest women". he muttered, cursing the pharaoh's luck. I quickly ran to grab the covers off the bed to maintain my chastity.

"Who are you?" I speak with authority.

"Ramases, Nice to meet you" he extended his palm.

I slowly inspected his features as he stared me down. "You have some nerve barging in here like this" I spat. Just as he smiled, I remembered him from the night of my capture. "You are his brother" I whispered, "I remember you from that night"

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