Retun to Zothando

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We sit at a lengths apart as we ride in his golden chariot cart. From the corner of my eye, I see him unwrapping a brown cloth of food. "Eat this" he muttered as he pushed a circle of cheese in my hand.

"You have been force feeding me for weeks Titus. I am not hungry"

"You barley look alive and have only gained 2lbs. I can't have your parents think I am starving you"

"That is the only thing you're worried about?" I scoffed. He snapped his head to face me as he heard my quip.

"Listen here" he grabbed my chin and pulled me into his space.

"No you listen." I snapped, "this is my land. We're in my territory. So you have to go by my rules" I bragged as I pulled my chin away.

He only bit his jaw; he knew he couldn't say a word of protest.

"You will pretend to enjoy your stay here and will act as the perfect, doting husband. We have to pretend as if we're in love" I demanded, throwing the sack of cheese back into his lap. He looked out the window as he bit his tongue for silence.

A warm feeling of euphoria filled my soul as I saw the green plains and foliage familiar to Zothando. We would soon arrive!

"What will you say when they ask about your back" he asked, breaking the silence in the small carriage.

"Are you assuming they will see it?" I retorted, crossing my legs over each other, "I am not fearful of letting them know how evil you are. I am sure they are aware since you tricked them into signing their rights away so I could be your bride. I am more embarrassed of the whispers people will make once they see the marks" I shrugged. He smirked and adjusted his robes as we continued on.

We were in marching garb to usher in the festive occasion. I couldn't help but smile as we approached the thick gates of the home. Loud drums and assembly of warriors lined each side of the path as they welcomed our arrival.

"Ziambo!!" they yelled to us.

"Ziambo" I yelled back and climbed out the carriage. Each leader laid 3 intricate beads of ivory around our necks while hugging and embracing us both. I spot my parents in the distance and jump excitedly.

"Mama! Baba!" I ran and hugged them. They kiss me softly, crying deep tears of joy. It had been 2 months since I had seen them last.

"Nakini! You look so thin! Titus are you starving her?" my mother teases him.

"You know Nakini and her stubbornness. She refuses to assimilate to the Alexandrian food" he replied, putting all the blame on me. I had refused to eat ever since he had punished me.

My parents nodded in agreement, familiar with me and my stubbornness and laughed. "We will fatten you up here before you leave daughter" my mother bragged. She turned to Titus and signaled him to approach her. Reluctantly he stepped closer and reached to embrace his cheek, hugging him warmly. "Thank you for taking care of her" she whispered loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes and kicked the sand in frustration; they had no idea who the real Titus was. My dad shook his hand and smiled before he nodded for the drummers to continue.

Titus and I walked side by side as we approached the foyer of the fortress.

"You two look well together" my mother chimed and smiled at our matching garb.


They were buying it!

He pulled me close and kissed me softly. "I must admit, I am more in love with her than I ever thought possible" he overexaggerated. I punched his arm as his hand hovered lower to my backside.

"That is wonderful to hear! We thought you two would have killed each other by now!" my parents teased. I rolled my eyes as he let out an exasperated laugh.

He pulled my cheek and kissed my forehead, "isn't this what you wanted? Looks like I am not the only actor in the family" he bragged and nodded to each servant.

He was gonna make me pay for telling him to fake his love....

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