•Madams club •

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I lifted one last strand of my loose hair and pushed it behind my ear. The wool of the black scarf tickled my skin as I pulled it over my neck. Titus had encouraged me to dress in my darkest clothing and cloak for the excursion we would soon embark on.

Two guards came to my room and escorted me out the palace to the outskirts of the gates. I met him with two horses in hand; he was waiting patiently at the entrance of the palace gates.

I spoke no words as we both walked to the steeds. He held out his palm to aide me but I smirked and lifted myself on. "I have been riding hoses since birth." I bragged and mounted it with ease. He nodded and climbed in front of me, hitting the reigns to leave.

I put my arms around him, resting my cheek in the warmth of his back as we went deeper into the city.


Titus finally pulled up to a dark and gloomy building, wedged in the outskirts of Alexandria.

I allowed him to help me off the horse and took in the sights of the building

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I allowed him to help me off the horse and took in the sights of the building. "What is this place?" I ask hesitantly, pulling my black hoodie closer to my ears.

Beggars and drunkards looked at us, observing our unfamiliar faces. No one knew of our status since we dressed to blend into the night.

Habakkut stood watch on the outside of the door as we walked closer to the back. The place looked sketchy and run down, smelling of ale and stale bread.

Titus knocked on the entrance of a side door and waited for an attendant. The handle wiggled violently and an older madam dressed in purple lace opened the door.

"Ahhh..it is he" she grinned softly and inspected our modest clothing. Titus pressed a small bag of coins into her hands and signaled her to count them.

She hungrily counted each coin before she grinned a toothless smile and escorted us to the back room.

My fingers clinched around the safety of Titus's toned arms,finding comfort in his warmth. The lady stood in front of a weathered wooden door and signaled us to go inside.

Titus opened the door and led me in where we sat in two seats adjacent to a thin will. There was a single bed and a few lit candles. I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I inspected the tightness of the room. "Titus what is this place?" I asked him again. He ignored me, only intertwining his hand with mine.

His eyes never left the the front of the bed as a man came in and sat on the bed naked. I closed my eyes as I saw the vulgar sight.

Another petite woman came in and immediately frowned as she saw the man. She stood, rigid against the wall inspecting his body and face.

"Are you clean?" the man asked.

"Yes" she nodded adamantly.

"I suppose your madam informed you of what our meeting should entail" he stood to near her. She nodded softly, still maintaining her distance. She was nothing compared to his billowing sature.

"Good. I paid a lot for you. I want my money's worth" He pulled her jaw and they both attacked each other, falling into the bed in heat.
The man scooped her hair up man and eased his way into her flower as she screamed.

Wait...where we really intruding on their intimate time as they...laid together?

She cried as he pounded into her, moaning obscenities. I turned my head away but Titus pulled my jaw, forcing me to face them.

I had never seen two people lovemaking; only once I think? When I saw two cheetahs near the outskirts of the palace in Zothando. My sister and I watched their outlines until Itai came and pulled us away, curious girls we were.

But even with this, it seemed intrusive watching them do their business. And the woman looked like she didn't want it...

Of course Titus was immune to the scene. I continued to look away, resting my face in his chest away break away from the invasive scene. I shitef out the seat to go but Titus encouraged me to stay, kissing my forehead with love.

A white stream of liquids flew out his pride as he stood and dripped it across her flat stomach.
"Come" the man signaled for us to join. They violently kissed again and prepped for round two but   I broke from Titus arms and stormed out the room, running outside to breath.

My spirit couldn't take anymore.



"Nakini!" I ran out after her. She rested against the wall, quickly trying to catch her breaths.

"Why did you take me here to this place!" she screamed.

"Nakini it is a madam's club. That girl along with all the others are paid for that." I tried to explain. I never thought she would be this emotional.

"Why do you know of this place? Are you a frequent visitor? Do you know each woman by name?" she asked, challenging my innocence.

"Nakini...I wanted you to see that the passage of Osiris it a loving ceremony. Didn't watching them put you at ease?" I grabbed her shoulders, trying to put her spirits at ease.

"No! It made me more anxious! I hated every minute of it!" she admitted and began to cry. I slowly wiped away her tears and looked into her eyes. "Back in my homeland my sister and I were lectured daily about what it means to be a woman. What it meant to please a man... I have never seen this... " her words drifted away, probably remembering the night she had chosen to be so vulgar in my presence.

My heart softened as I finally realized how uncomfortable she was. Not only with this excursion but the marriage and being taken away from her homeland. This was all new to her and I made no efforts to put her at ease.

"Nakini...I didn't mean to put you through something you didn't wish to see." I tried to apologize. She was so innocent and free while I so vulgar and matured.

"Our customs and traditions are just too different." she pouted. I softly grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into my arms. "I didn't think you would be so emotional" I whispered. It was all I could say.

"That girl looked so scared and helpless. I see her in me. I don't want to do it Titus...please don't make me do the passage." She begs me, looking into my eyes. Real tears dripped from her face as she pleaded for my mercy. These were not her fake tears that she always put on for a show.

My heart couldn't bear her fear.

"Nakini...it is tradition"

"Please" she clutched onto my chest in fear. I only stared down into her eyes and sighed. "Let's return to the palace." I grumbled, signaling Habakkut to ready the horses.


Hmmm it looks like Nakini can't get out of this one!
Do you think Titus will call off the ceremony?

I read an article on Dailymail about one royal prince who actually did this, and took his wife to one of these...ceremonies.

She told him at the end of it to never take her to them again.  I wish I could find the article I would have linked it in here.

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