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I switch from 1st to 3rd person! Some editing mistakes too! You've been warned

The sweeping veiews of Alexandria decorated the elegant walls between the palace pillars. The swift cool breeze from the opening of the curtains cooled our sweaty skin. I looked at Rameses as we walked in silence to through grand archways of the throne room. Two guardsmen halted our footsteps and made us wait until the Pharaoh was alerted of our presence.

"The pharaoh will see you now" the head guard announced.

I whispered a quick prayer to the gods for mercy and turned to Rameses to observe his face. He only closed his eyes to breathe and prepare for our certain doom.

"Look alive brother" I nudged him to relax. He hit me off and we both stepped in.

Our heavy footsteps along the marble tilling of the palace floors sounded against the echoey room. I see my mother in the backdrop of the throne room; her hands were folded neatly atop her legs.

 I see my mother in the backdrop of the throne room; her hands were folded neatly atop her legs

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"Father" we bow and crossed our arms to show him respect. He was the King of Alexandria after all.

"Everyday I pray to the gods for mercy and grace." Letukat proclaimed as he stared down at his rebellious sons. "Why have the gods tested me with such inconsiderate, rebellious, neglectfil—"

"Father if you would just let us explain!" Ramases interjected.

"Do not speak!" The pharaoh's tone was as sharp as a python. I refused to meet his eyes as he stared down from his chair.

"I want clarity to enter my mind. Tell me why the two princes of the highest empire would be so reckless as to ruin the hard labor of my fruits?" the pharaoh paused to let us explain.

"We were—-" Ramaes began to explain.

"SILENCE" he struck his staff against the floor, anger brewing in his soul. He did not care for our words.

"You two will rebuild everything you have ruined. I see you have taken the hard labor of my kingdom as nothing but a joke. As an amusement" he rose from his throne and stepped down to face us. Each step he took was deadlier than before, his anger increased the closer he came but my mother held his shoulder to calm.

He looked at her and clasped his nose with his palm. "Day and night you will oversee the completion of the new temple and Sphinx that guard it."

"That will take months father!" I protested.

"Be STILL" he glared me down then continued, "The peace conference was to be held behind the completed building but since it was RUINED by you two, it was relocated to another location."

"Where" Ramases questioned.


"Our rivals?!" Ramases protested.

"They have so graciously offered their palace for the peace conference" the pharaoh continued.

"But father, it will take days to get there! Landfall will come before we even travel!" a heavy sigh escaped from my lips as I envisioned the tedious journey.

"I suggest you start your journey. Soon" he turned to face the stairs.

Rameses shot off but I remained with my father.

"Father it was my fault... please do not be so hard on him" I attempt to explain.

"He is older! He should know better Titus. You should as well! You must not act like this. One day you will be ruler of this land and what will you do then?" he asked as he stroked his lengthy beard.

"Yes father" I nodded my head obediently. I understood the importance of his words.

"I have a special task for Ramases so he will not be able to accompany you. You will travel to the land of Zothando by yourself Titus."

"Yes father. I will not fail you" I bend to my knee, accepting his challenge.

"Be good my son."

"I understand the Sphinx was a gift to you but I promise you father, it bore no resemblance to you" I smirked. He sighed, trying to not laugh and squeezed my shoulders.

"Make sure you arrive in time for the banquet in 4 days. Be safe my son" he kissed both my cheeks and signaled for my dismissal.


I returned to my room to tell the slaves to pick for the trip ahead. Zothando was a distant empire so I thought it best to leave tonight. As I push aside the curtains to my bedroom I see Patrah lounging in my bed. "I am not in the mood today." I huffed.

"Another temple destroyed I heard" Patrah teased me. She was nothing more than a slave who gave me a quick lay each time I needed to get my mind off the reality of my life.

"Get out. I do not wish to see you" I see the. I was quite sick of her the past couple of days.

"Titus! Don't be like that" she pouted, pursing her thin lips together. She rose from my sheets and stripped of her cotton dress and golden headpiece.

"I have warned you many times about commanding the reigning prince of Alexandria" I snapped, tightly grabbing her neck. She watched me curiously and inspected my eyes.

"Punish me sire" she whispered, impatient for my loving. Of course I succumbed and we slept together until the light of day broke the skies.

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