In His Arms

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The hot rays of the morning sun danced across my cheeks as I blinked awake. My eyes took a moment to adjust as I attempted to familiarize myself with the surroundings.

Where was I?

My mouth dropped as I find myself in his arms. My naked breasts were exposed to the air while my back was wrapped tightly in soft bandages, probably to stop the bleeding of my wounds.

I was pressed against his naked chest as he held me tight.

How dare he treat me like some animal?
Flogging me like a beast?
Anger brewed inside my chest as I stared into his face.

I hated him.

I would find a dagger and kill him.
Maybe a a sharp nail and pierce it through his temple?
Or take a chalice of mead and fill it with poison; no one would ever know.

As I imagined all the ways to seek freedom, my eyes fall down to the outline of his features. My eyes refused to shift away as I took in each part.

For some reason, I couldn't part....
I longed to be held in the security of his arms. Each ridge across his healthy physique made me feel at ease.

My body had a mind of its own as each of my fingers went through his soft curls. His prominent features warmed my cheeks.

(Imagine your own model. I couldn't put Timothee. He's too pure to be Titus.)

Surely this man could not be the monster everyone conditioned themselves to fear?

He slowly stirred awake but I pretended to close my eyes so I would not face him. His arms engulfed me as they pulled me closer into his chest.

My breaths hastened as he ran his fingers through my soft braids, wiping away the fresh tears that dropped from my eyes.

He turned me around to search my back for bleeding and wounds.

"Guards" he called out.

"Pharoah" they came and bowed to the floor.

"Fetch the healers and nurses when she wakes. Tell them to make sure she is taken care of today. Have her bandages changed every 4 hours and get her whatever she desires" he demanded.

"Yes your majesty." they agree.

"Keep her in this room until she is completely heeled. She is not to leave until she is fully heeled or until I release her"

"Yes Pharoah" they nod once more and quickly leave to tell the news.

He kissed my forehead before he stood to take a shower.


A couple of minutes passed before I dared looked. He stood in the front of the wardrobe, fixing his hair as he changed in the mirror. Just before he dropped his towel, I closed my eyes to give him some privacy.

I see a smirk appearing across his lips as he stared at me from the reflection. He couldn't possibly have seen me staring at him?

He walked over to the bed and bent to kiss my lips,  one final time before he left for the day.


Just as the last door closed, I wiped off his moisture from my mouth.


My head fell back into the pillow as I looked up into the sky. I couldn't help but hate him....

Didn't he know whipping me would only make me more defiant?


3 days passed before I could stand and feel the skin on my back.

"Your majesty! You must refrain from moving. The king has commanded that you rest!" Zoporath frowned and ran to stand at my side.

"Ignore what Titus has said" I pushed her off along with my other servant and bravely stumbled to the mirror. They ran to help me off the floor but I refused. "I am fine" I grumbled.

The each bowed and backed away. "Zoporath, draw my bath." I commanded. She nodded and walked to the bathroom to start the waters.


I played with the Eba as he slithered across my back. His cold skin was soothing to my shattered skin. Titus had not come to check on me ever since the day after my punishment. Despite this, I knew he had eyes watching me all over the palace, giving him a report on where I was and whom I talked with.

The curtains open to reveal three nurses. They come in with dressings and guaze to reapply to my scars. Another elder came in with a black skull and beads.

"Who are you" I snapped, unfamiliar with their customs.

"I am the palace healer. Pharaoh has requested I do a ritual to quicken the healing of the wounds" he replied.

I nodded obediently, refusing to make a scene, and lay on a table as he instructed. The healer chanted his magic words and threw a thick cloud of powder and shavings over me.

Alexandrian rituals were so weird, but if this is what they believed in, then who was I to protest.

As they bandaged me up and left, Titus entered and leaned against pillar at the entrance of my room. I blushed softly and played with the string on my beaded skirt.

"Come" he said, lifting his finger to signal me. I slowly approached him as he stared at my face then down to my exposed chest; he turned me around and went to observe the progress of my wounds.

"They look better today" he muttered, clutching my neck from behind.

"I am too embarrassed too look" I admitted.

"They still hurt?" he asked; why did he care? He was the one who had inflected them?

"Yes. Very much still" I snapped. He nodded and released my body, softly pushing me to return to the bed to rest.


I could tell she was saddened by the lack of freedom in Alexandria.The health in her figure had surely decreased. Although her servants insisted she ate every meal, I knew she was starving herself. Maybe a visit to her homeland was what she needed?

"So how are the arrangements for the temple" I asked. It was an assignment I had given to her so she would not die of boredom trapped in her room.

"Fine, I suppose." she sighed and went to play with Eba again. The alabaster snake impatiently wiggled from her palm and slithered over to me. I picked him and smiled as he licked my cheek.

Silence filled the room as I stared at her calm physique.

"It seems as if you are saddened nowadays" I chimed.

"I am just a bit homesick" she admits.

"I am paying a visit to your homeland." I muttered.

"Oh" she shrugged and leaned forward to lay in the bed.

"Maybe I can ask for some spices to cook your meals. I know you are starving yourself" I accused her.

"I am not" she protested. I went to the bed and picked her up by the wrist. "Do you think I am dumb? I am a man." I suggested. She blushed but looked away as I read her accurately.

"Or maybe you can accompany me to Zothando?" I suggested.

"Can I!" She looked up, a glimmer of hope rested in her eyes.

"I have been meaning to pay your lands a visit. It is tradition after 3 months to show up with gifts to show off the happiness of bride"

"Yes! Yes!" she clapped and smiled. "When can we go?"

"I'll see the calendars and let you know. It will be soon " I spoke. She nodded her head and smiled warmly but stood to take Eba from my reach. I knew she wished to be left alone so I returned to my throne room and went on to attend to the people of Alexandria.

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