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The Queen Mother's advice echoed in my ears as I rested peacefully in my room. She had left me a thick scroll filled with her exploits and advice to please her husband. Simple gestures she stood by that would secure any man's heart.

I quickly rolled the scroll and stuffed it under my pillowcase as a party of healers had come for their rounds of medicine and bandaging.

"How is your back your majesty?" one older nurse asked as she wrapped my ankle. She was the same one who had dressed the wounds on my back.

"Some wounds have healed but some are still painful to to the touch. My ankle it is healing along fine however"

"The king will be delighted with this news" she smiled.

"I doubt it! What business did he have caring about how I was feeling. He was the one who inflicted them onto me"

She hummed a sacred tune, ignoring my quip and standing to pour my liquid medicine in a wooden cup. The other healer finished wrapping the last of my wounds, then bowed and quickly departed.

I limped to the mirror to observe my bandages, my perky breasts were still on display. They healers advised me not to cover the bandages with clothing or lace.

I pulled my braids over my shoulders to cover my breasts and pouted in the mirror. How dare he care about my wellbeing when he was the monster who inflicted my suffering. Just as quickly as I cursed his name, he stepped into my view.

I turned around to face him, my heart pounding with fear. What else could he possibly want visiting me?

We exchanged no words, only glaring at each other as the cool winds of Alexandria shifted my plants. We hadn't seen each other or talked since our journey back to Zothando.

Of course I blushed as I remembered our night in Zothando and turned to face the window. The details were foggy but I still knew something had occurred.

"I heard your wounds and leg are heeling nicely?" he spoke.

"I suppose they are" I sighed still taking in the views of Alexandria from the windows.

"I was also made aware of your meeting with my mother" he speaks.

"Yes she came to my bath house yesterday night. We exchanged a few...words."

"What words..." he pried, curiosity filling his mind.

"She talked about me...and you. She gave me very sound advice."

"And what advice was that?" He leaned against the pillar, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Advice... on how to please the god of Egypt" I answer his question.

"And how does one do that" he smirked, waiting for my explanation.

Now was the time to decide.

Would I choose to be a hero and save my people?
Would I be submissive to him and succumb to his authority?

It was not of my nature to be so weak and fragile but I gathered a heavy breath, deciding my fate. I needed to save the people of Zothando...my people, and would do go through any means necessary.... even if that meant showing him my time.

I slowly stepped to face him and bent down to kiss his feet, making sure to show my reverence to the king.

His cold but curious eyes met my gaze as he stared down at me with awe. I pulled his hand down, running my lips against his fingers and kissing his royal ring, making sure the tips ran across my soft lips.

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