Practice makes Perfect

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"Are you ready for your speech Arum?" I smiled, ingenuity filling my core. Zeporath curled through the last strand of my hair, gently smoothing my rough edges with a thin pomade.

"Yes my queen, I think I am ready" Arum smiled nervously. "Zoporath, leave us. He becomes nervous when he recites his lines in front of you"

"Yes your majesty" she bowed and quickly scurried our. I knew she felt guilty for her recent betrayal with the king.

"Arum, come" I signal the boy to me. He skips over and sits attentively at my feet. "Do you remember the changes we discussed these last few days?"

"Yes! Yes I remember my queen!"

"And you haven't told anyone?" I smile evilly.

"My mommy made me practice it all night and day! But I always stop at the part you told me." he whispered.

"Good boy! Recite thé lines for me quickly. I want it to be perfect for the king."

He runs his lines perfectly and bowed as I clapped with glee. "Good job." I rub his cheek with my hand.

"Do you think the king will like it?" he asked eagerly, willing to do anything to please him.

"Oh! The king will love it!" I smiled and patted his cheek. I loved this little boy but my hatred for him grew more and more knowing the deceit I had been through. I knew Arum would hate me after this but I didn't care.

This was the last and final straw.
I had to make Titus pay...for everything he had done.


A fleet of entertainers came from the curtains and danced for Titus's birthday. Ribbons of gold and silk flew through the air as we watched from our raised chairs. He ate and drank freely, assuring his chalice was always full; it was his 20th birthday after all.

He rested his against my sequined lap, relaxing in the warmth of my body heat. I made sure to pamper him, running my hand through his soft curls while feeding him grapes from the bunch. He finished kissing my lips as the last group of performances finished.

"You planned all of this?" he asked me, lifting a hand to wipe my lips in admiration.

"Yes my king. Nothing but the best for you." I lied excitedly. I bit the bottom of his lip as he pulled me into another deep embrace. I slowly clutched his neck as he deepened our kiss, praying that my hands did not tighten to end his circulation.

Little did he know...the night had just begun.

"And now! A poem by the queen of Alexandria's chosen child. Arum!" The announcer smiled. I smiled ingeniously at Zeporath as she beamed with pride. I could tell she was still a bit nervous of her child's performance, especially that it was one that praised the king but she masked any insecurities behind her pretty face.

Arum walked to the front of our chairs and looked at me nervously. I smiled warmly, making sure I encouraged him to continue. Titus lifted from my lap and leaned forward to bite his jaw down in anger, tensing up from the sight of the boy that resembled him so clearly.

The crowds and people smiled and clapped, eager to here the poem this little boy practiced so hard to perform.
Only silence filled the elegant banquet hall....
All would hear the poem that would praise the King of Alexandria.

I sat up from my chair and moved to my own, eager to watch this unfold. 

"Praise the king, the one they call Titus.
So bold and noble is he, leading our kingdom so valiantly.
May the gods find favor with him forever as he found favor with me."

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