Eba's Plan

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A feel a gentle tug at the end of my shoulder. "Hmmmm?" I groaned and stretched. It couldn't be more than 6am.

"Good morning my queen. Slept well?" an elderly woman smiled and began to dust the sheets.

"I suppose" I nodded and observed the room.

"The king has left to the throne room for his daily affairs." she announced, taking note of my curiosity.

"Oh...I see" I nodded again. I didn't care where he was off too, as long as he was away from me.

"He has left you with one of his advisers. He will teach you all the laws of the land and how to oversee the completion of his sphinx"

I rolled my eyes as I heard my duties. Titus knew I would loath overseeing a project that had everything to do with him. He was crazy if he thought I would have no part in its demise. "I understand" I lied, smiling warmly at the servant.

I stood and stepped to the windows to take in the views of the kingdom. It was a beautiful land. Rich mountains of sand cascaded across the rocky seas. Scenic views of tapestries and alabaster skies lined the land.

"The servants will come tonight to measure you for your dress and cloths. There is a banquet being thrown in 5 days time"

"Another one?" I sighed; I hated cheerful meetings such as these.

"Yes your majesty. There were many who could not come to the wedding last night. Many of the Pharaoh's advisers and close friends will be attending." she informed me.

"I have no desire to meet his friends. They are probably as rude as him" I fumed, kicking my feet against the floor. I was sick and tired of these pleasantries. Hmm..maybe I could bring some chaos to the party? "How long do you think it takes for a letter to travel from Alexandria to Zothando"

"I am not sure...maybe a day or two" the woman replied.

"You may go" I shooed her away. She bowed and left me alone to shower.

"I will teach him what it means to embarrass the princess of Zothando" I chuckled to myself and search for a sheet of papyrus to write my letter.



5 days later

The servants prepped and cooked for the banquet throughout the week, spending endless nights making sure everything was perfect. The parties thrown at the palace were always legendary; each event was talked about by all. Everyone desired for a chance to be in the presence of the most powerful Pharaoh of the land.

The chefs pushed a pastry in my hand and shooed me out the kitchen so they could finish cooking in peace. The banquet would soon commence so I knew it was time I collected the princess. I walked over to her room to escort her to the banquet hall but as I approached her room, I heard her talking to someone.... or something?

"Oh Eba! I am so glad my parents sent you here. I hate it here! My butt still hurts from his spanking. Can you believe he has done this to me!" she complained. I peaked around the corner and saw her pulling a alabaster snake from a makeshift cage. So she had a pet snake all this time? Her family must have sent him over.

"Now Eba, you be a good boy and scare the people" he only hissed and licked her face. She giggled and scratched his chin. "Come on! Don't be like that. I promise I'll make it up to you!" she sets him down on the bed as she tied the last strap of her reveling dress.

"Eba! Don't look it me like that. I know I told you last time would be the last time.... but this is dire!" she begged, kneeling against the ground to beg him. I let her finish her monologue before I knocked on the entrance of her door. She shuffled to stand straight, hiding the white blob that rested in the bed.

"Oh....hello" she smiles nervously.

"You look decent" I inspected her beautiful form. We wore the same palette of color and print.

"What a charmer you are" she sighed sarcastically. She was still frozen in her spot; praying I would go away so she could hide the snake in her robes.

"I will be down in a minute..I have last minute things to do"

"Like what?"

"Things" she snapped impatiently. I smirked and leaned against the pillar. "Then I will wait...I do not mind" I shrugged. She still stood frozen in her place and smiled ingeniously.

"You don't have the necklace on" I glanced to the pile of jewels on her dresser. I took the black diamond and walked over to approach her. "No...Stay back!" she yells. I stop dead in my tracks and frowned. "Why?"

She tried to sit down inconspicuously to collect the snake.

"Are you okay?" I asked, already knowing the circumstances surrounding her situation. She nodded and held a palm against her back. I slowly stepped to approach her; she was sweating bullets.

"Stop!" she yelled again and looked up at me. She bit her lip and slowly pulled my chin, bringing her lips to mine. I was taken a back by her affection...but I enjoyed it. She deepened the embrace, kissing me tenderly as our tongues collided. I was so distracted by the time we broke, I had not noticed the snake's disappearance.

"Put the necklace on" she smirked against my lips and turned around. I slowly placed the jewel around her body and nodded in the reflection of the mirror. I took her outstretched palm and escorted her down to the banquet hall.

author note:

100 reads = new chapter! Trying to be more consistent with uploads.

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