New croc smell

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Gavin's POV

I awoke to the rising and falling of Nines' chest. My arms were wrapped around his waist and our legs were tangled together like a somehow comfortable pretzel.

Henry was sprawled like a goofball in Nines' lap, body all twisted so his head was against his own shoulder and his belly was facing up.

I reached out and gently pat the small kitty belly, making him open an eye at me and his mouth crack open with a little "Myeh."

Nines chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder, thumb stroking back and forth on my skin.

"Hey you." I chuckled, angling my head up to look at him.

The android smiled and let his hand slip to my hip and rest there. His LED spun a calm blue... this whole thing was so peaceful. So... nice.

"Tina has been trying to call you." He said softly, and there it goes. There goes the moment, Nines.

I groaned and turned to lay on my back, my other two cats hissing and jumping off of the bed.

"Yeah? You figure out what she wants or...?" I asked, extending my arms and doing a nice morning stretch. Henry did the same then came and laid down on my feet.

"I unlocked your phone, so yes. She wants us to come over for dungeons and dragons. It... wasn't a choice." Nines chuckled, tilting his head to the side.

I looked at him then blinked a few times.

The android nodded and moved to put his head on my chest, eyes falling closed.

My breathing hitched before a smile spread across my face and my hand moved to rest on his waist. Meanwhile Nines was wrapping his arm around my stomach and getting comfortable.

"So... do we wanna go? Or just stay in bed all day where we can-"

Henry put his paw on my mouth which made my head move back a little and my chins multiplied indefinitely.

Nines laughed and removed his arm, gently scratching Henry's back.
"As... tempting as it is, I do not want Tina breaking down your apartment door with her fifth edition DND book."

That made me laugh because she would do that. She would totally do that.

I hummed and let my nose be buried in his hair, kissing his head a few times.
"You smell like new crocs..."

Nines laughed and moved away, sitting up on one elbow. And god the way he looked, the morning sunlight catching just the right places and he was wearing my shirt.

I leaned in to kiss him, eyes falling closed and lips puckered. But... Nines' Lips didn't meet mine.

"How do you know what new crocs smell like?" He asked, making my eyes open.

Oh and he had this devious grin on his face.

Why do I even like you?

Still, I scoffed and sat up even more, making Henry jump onto the floor with a loud meow.
"How do you not know what new crocs smell like?"

"I've never had crocs before?"

I just shook my head and got up, not wanting Henry to literally scream at me for food.

Nines soon joined me in the kitchen, making some coffee.
"Do... you want me to cook you breakfast?"

"Phck yeah!" I cheered, sneaking up behind the android and wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Your cooking is amazing. Also, whyre you so much goddamn taller than me? This is bullshit!"

He smiled and leaned his weight back into mine just a little.
"Your morning wood is pressing right against one of my biocomponents, Gav."

Yeah, that made me scream and jump away as if  electrocuted. But Nines just chuckled and handed me a cup of coffee with a wink.

I looked down and also remembered ya boi was in nothing but his underwear. And no! I didn't have a boner! Such a phcking liar, Nines...

Henry jumped up onto the kitchen island and literally screamed at me. He's a loud boy too...

Even Nines turned to look, his head no longer hidden by the fridge door.
"RA9 that is a loud cat."

I laughed and filled up his food bowl with wet food. So he quieted down.

"Yeah... he used to scream like that from outside. One night, after working like... 32 hours on half a brain cell, I said Phck it and just went outside to find the screaming animal. And there was Henry, just a little kitten. Still just as loud though, he has some strong lungs." I rambled, leaning against the kitchen island and watching Nines chop up some stuff.

"Yeah?" The Android hummed, eyed glancing me up and down.

"Yeah. Annnnd I'm gonna go put on a shirt. Maybe some pants. Feelin' kinda nude all of the sudden." I said casually and walked off into the bedroom.

"Tina is calling again!" Nines called from the kitchen.

My shirt got stuck over my head for a second. Goddamnit Tina.
"Phckin'- Alexa! Answer the phooooone!"

"My name isn't Alexa! And answer the phone yourself, you gremlin! I have egg on my hands!"

I laughed and jumped forward, hopping into my pants and then walking out into the kitchen.

Nines looked over his shoulder at me before smiling and going back to whisking eggs.


"Gav, Gav it's an emergency. You need to come over right the fUCK now!" Tina said directly into her bootleg iPhone's microphone.

That blew out my eardrums.
"Uh... I'm kinda in the middle of something."

"No you're not! If anything you're probably having Nines make you his bitch. Plus, I got new dice. New dice Gavin, it's nEW DICE! I'll give you my fuzzy socks to wear. The ones with the rainbow Jack'o'cactus on it." She continued as I sat down on a stool, looking at Nines.

Was he wearing pants? Haha... Nope. Just some undies. Teehee.

"Wait- why would Nines make me his bitch? Is that what you said?!"

The android's fans instantly kicked in. His LED was bright red too, as he cooked an egg on the stove.

Tina took a deep breath into the microphone again.
"Did I fucking stutter? Anyways... be over here in an hour max or else I'm burning your character sheet and stealing your spongebob pillowcase. Yeah, I know where you hide it. Under the bowling ball in your closet, right next to yourself in 2018."

While I stared at the wall, wide eyed and not knowing how to respond, Nines slid an omelette in front of me with a wink.

"Oh Phck. Hey, Tina? Can we make it two hours max?" I purred and the Android laughed at me.

"No. One hour max. Hell, we could make it there in thirty minutes if you eat your breakfast." He hummed, walking past me and kissing my temple.

That was some good motivation. Also the omelette was really good so... y'know. Two reasons why I ate it quickly.

Then got the hiccups...


Yeaaaahhhhh... in the end nothing happened and we went over Tina's to play Some Dungeons and Dwagons uwu

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