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Gavin's POV for oNCE

My cat was meowing at me. That little bitch woke me up.

I groaned and turned my head to the side. Someone's chin met my head.

"What?" I mumbled, and opened my eyes.

Nines was laying there. Hair messy, and eyes closed. Mouth just barely open.

"Oh." I exhaled, before kissing him.

When I pulled back blue eyes met mine. The hand that rested on my lower back came to life, and gently rubbed up and down my spine.

"Good morning, Gav."

I put my head back on his chest.

He chuckled, a quiet mechanical whirring echoing his chest. Only audible because my ear was on his tit.

"We can lay in bed for another ten minutes, if you want to get to work at a reasonable time." Nines whispered, playing with my hair.

I groaned.

He chuckled again.
"Or in an hour and a half if you really want to be late."

Late? Oh shit...

I bolted up, reaching for my phone.
"Phck! Phck! Fowler's gonna give me a tongue lashing! There's gotta be a better phrase for that..."

Nines gently touched my arm and my head, pulling me back down. My head against his chest.

"I already emailed him." He said softly.

This guy is always so cold, or something. Why's he all... soft... now?!

I just sighed and laid back down, nuzzling up to the android.

He began to play with my (already) messy hair again.
It... it was relaxing.

My cat walked on top of my chest and laid down, so I pat his head.
"Ya little bean bun."

Nines chuckled.
"He kinda is a bean bun."

I pressed down on his toe beans, making his claws extend.
"You're a phcking bean bun..."

Nines leaned his head on mine.
"Whatever you say, you burnt coffee bean."

I just snorted.
"Phck you."

Nines sighed, eyes closing.

This was nice. Relaxing. Jesus, it made me realize how touch starved I was. Even if he wasn't... human, or even if he didn't have a, uh, dick this was gonna be just fine!

"I'm not bottoming." Nines said after a while.


Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now