I dont need your pity....

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An: sooo I just storyboarded a little over 500 words of last chapter. Idk if I'll turn it into a comic or something but it exists... with minor changes. 32 panels, four comic pages worth of stuff, and a sketchbook page later and oh boy! Now the hard part (oof).

Gavin's POV

Finally I opened my eyes. Breaking free of unconsciousness.

Beeping echoed the room. A steady rhythm, that wasn't soothing at all. Annoying in fact.

I looked around the room.

"Fucking hell!" I groaned, jolting at the surprise of that fucking android just standing in the corner of the room like some sort of horror movie shit.

"Good evening, Officer Reed." It said.

I huffed, blowing air hard out of my mouth. My nose was clogged, for whatever reason. Probably dried blood or some other gross thing.

"The time is 8:25pm. It's 73° and cloudy. How do you feel?" It continued, LED going a soft yellow.

"Yeah, yeah... why you here?" I asked in annoyance. The beeping of the EKG machine didn't help...

"Why not?" It replied, a dark smirk spreading over its face.

I swallowed hard.

"Just... get me a coffee. Make it quick, dipshit." I ordered, just wanting it to go away. Even for a few seconds.

The android nodded, and left the hospital room. Footsteps echoing the quiet room.

I sighed, but halfway into the inhale a sharp pain shot through my torso.

Tight bandages covered my lower ribs and whole stomach.

The jarring memories of what must've been last night came back to me.

"Right... fuck I almost died, huh?" I chuckled, running a hand through my greasy hair, freeing it from my sweaty forehead.

"It was unsure for a while, but you pulled through just fine." A woman said, closing the door behind her as she walked into the room.

"How do you feel?" She asked, long brown hair shifting off of her shoulders.

"Like I've just survived hell." I mumbled, looking out the window at a ambulance pulling into the hospital on the ground.

She chuckled.

"Anything else? How's the pain?" The woman asked, picking up a clipboard from the end of the too stiff bed.

"Well... I guess I'll manage. I've been in fights before, and I've been fine." I answered, turning and looking at her.

"Gavin, this wasn't a bar fight you know. You were in the OR for hours, and we had to put you into an induced coma for a few days. Even still it was questionable." She explained.

I scoffed.

"Wait, and you know me because...?" I asked.

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now