Cold sweat and cold spaghetti

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Nines (not my dog)

Gavin woke up in the middle of the night with a small scream and in a cold sweat.

I didn't even need to run an analysis to know he had had a nightmare.

"Phck..." he groaned, flopping back onto the bed with his arm over his eyes.

The human reached out for me, well, more like he just let his arm falcon punch my titty.

Oh RA9 that is something he would say...

"Nines...?" The human whispered.

"I'm right here, Gav." I responded, voice equally quiet.

He turned and cuddled up to me, head on my chest again. I wrapped an arm around him and looked down at the scruffy little human.

"You need to trim your facial hair, Gav." I whispered, gently stroking his (head) hair with a free hand.

Gavin looked up at me, sort of looking like a puppy, then just let his eyes fall closed again.
"Phck off..."

I hummed happily, just holding him in my arms. Feeling how his chest rose and fell with each breath. How his eyelashes tickled my arm as he tried to fight off sleep. How just... human he was.

And it made me realize two things. How human I was not, and how much... how much I adored the little street cat. Who is Gavin, not Henry.

Though... he probably likes Henry more than me, Gavin is obsessed with that little ginger fur ball.

"Nines?" He whispered, voice thick with sleep as he struggled to stay awake again.

"Yes?" I replied, still rubbing his back with one hand and stroking his hair with the other.

"Don't leave me...."
Gavin let his eyes fall closed, exhaling out of his nose.

My LED flashed red.
"Now, why would I do that?"

He sniffled and turned around, having his back to me. The human reached out for my free arm, managing to find it and pulling it closer. Basically forcing me to spoon him.

"Because..." Gavin mumbled, pressing his back to my chest and snuggling up to me.

I placed my chin on top of his head with a small sigh.
"That doesn't seem like a very valid reason to be worrying, Gav."

He hummed, eyes closed again.

"Just go back to sleep, Gav... I'll still be here, don't worry. Being fatigued won't help anyone, now will it?"

Gavin shook his head.
"No... it won't."

I kissed the top of his head, something that came up in my data as an affectionate gesture.
"Sweet dreams, Gavin."

The human tried to sleep. And he did for probably an hour or so, then just sat up again with a frustrated sigh.
"This isn't workin', Nines."

"If you would like me to move I can-"

"No! I mean... nah. You're fine where you are. I just kinda got the rumblies in my tumblies again. Didn't really eat dinner, y'know? Just... some wine. And cheese maybe? Full honesty, I don't remember what I put into my mouth." He rambled, putting a hand on top of my head and just patting my hair. Making strands of it fall into my face.

"If you wanna sleep, go ahead. I'll... just, uh, I don't know play Subway surfer on my phone and see if they got any room service."

I sat up too.
"I don't sleep..."

He raised his eyebrows before looking away and then throwing the blankets off of his legs.
"Welp, time to be broke from hotel room service at the ass crack of whatever time it is."

"Approximately 4:35 am." I said quietly, reaching out to touch his back.

Gavin just took off his shirt with a huff.
"Is it hot in here or am I just going through menopause?"

"Gavin... you are a 36 year old cisgender man...."

He just got up and walked over to the desk, stopping to stare out the window, almost mesmerized by the view. Then bent over and started to flip through the booklet on room service and whatnot.

"Ah shit... that phckin' sucks. Room service ended like... an hour ago? I don't know, I'm gay, I'm bad at math." Gavin sighed, plopping down into the mesh chair, his legs extended.

"Data from online says it ended at midnight... that is a lot more than an hour ago, Gav. And how do your sexuality and ability to do math have anything in common?" I said softly, looking at the human from the bed.

He clicked his tongue and looked around, avoiding my question.
"Hey, is my phone over there? I was gonna order some grubhub or whatever the fuck is around these days."

"No. Your phone is in your underwear waste band, Gav."

His eyes went wide and he just smackedJ the side of his thigh.
"Oh shit you right. You right..."

I smiled at the human, amused. Then just sat back against the headboard of the bed.
"What are you ordering?"

"In the mood for some spaghet. You want anything?" Gavin asked, not looking up from his phone.

"Some thirium might be nice."

He finger gunned at me and fiddled around with his phone for a while. Then just let it fall onto the table with a loud noise, startling the both of us.

Gavin laughed and began to spin the chair from the left to the right.

"So... Nines... what's your deal? Your endgame? Your kink, if you would." He asked, crossing his arms.

My LED went red.
"I... don't follow, Gav."

"Triangle. You like guys?" The... most likely sleep deprived detective blurted out.


Gavin just began to laugh hysterically, making this weird possessed noise as he inhaled.
"I don't know!"

RA9 save me. what is happening...? I'm trapped with this little gremlin.

Maybe the pasta man will put me out of my misery....


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