When you consume all of the skin in your mouth.... mmm cheek skin

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A flash back thing I guess? A random side story? Who knows! I'm still a little wonky from being knocked out so uh... this'll be fun!

Gavin's POV

It took me forever to find the right place. In traffic for over an hour, struggling to find a parking space, even had to get out of my car to get the damn ticket! Not to mention the bridge between buildings brought me down to the first floor, as if I knew where I was.

It took about half an hour to find the right place, check in, wait, and then get measured and weighed n stuff.

I sighed, laying in the hospital bed and waiting for something. Anything. Anything that told me I was getting closer to relief and no more pain.

"Gavin?" A woman asked, stepping into the room.

I turned my head to look at her, she was a nurse by the looks of it. And definitely from the huge white letters on her name tag that said "NURSE".

"Yep... that's-a me." I chuckled, then grabbed my nice and mmmmmbruised stomach, in pain.

Goddamn androids and their goddamn unpredictability. Making me land up in the hospital again, phckin'-

"Okay, how are you?" She nurse asked, typing something on the computer near my head.

"Tired. Bad. I mean, I don't really understand why doctors 'n stuff ask that. It's like, why else would I be here?" I sighed, picking at my fingernails.

She laughed and handed me something.

A cookie?

"Well, I'm going to need you to pee in this cup. We need to see if you're pregnant." The nurse explained, making so many questions pop into my head.

"Uh... I'm a dude though. Like, cisgender male. I just came here to get surgery man, one of those androids phcked me up pretty good and-"

"No buts! Only pee! In that there cup!"

My face went pale and my heart seemed to lodge itself in my throat.

"Bathroom is down the hall and to the left. We can have someone accompany you if you wan-"

"NO! I'm- I'm fine. I'll pee in the damn cup just... whatever." I groaned, straining to sit up and then actually get up.

So... I went and peed in the damn cup, despite only drinking a juice box of apple juice from Burger King that's been in my car for who knows how long.

The toilet was sketchy, but then again isn't every public bathroom?

"Wash the piss!" I began do sing, rubbing soap between my fingers, "Off my hands!"

Once back in the room, there was another person there. Sitting in the chair next to the bed. Our gaze met and confusion washed away.

"How ya doing Gavin? You look like shit." Tina laughed, putting down her phone.

I groaned and sat down on the bed again, "Did you Uber here?"

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now