Wrinkled pant leg

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Oh you already know it's gonna be Nines' POV (because what else do I write anymore?)

Gavin threw on his jacket and handed me the keys. Then walked out the door behind me, making sure none of his pussy left- I mean cats.  Making sure his cats didn't leave.

"Don't kill us." He mumbled, and got into his car, which I had to drive back thank you for that Gavin. I loved spending half an hour listening to your fucking awful music from 2012.

I just rolled my eyes and turned the key. Both him and Anderson seem to have old cars, because by 2018 weren't they making them without key ignition anymore? I don't know, I wasn't alive then.

"Nines? You... you gonna drive or just sit here?" Gavin asked, looking at me.

"Yes, Sorry Detective."

"Oh drop that bullshit. I've seen your... right you don't have one. Um... you've seen my dick. And since I wasn't wearing socks, it was gay, and therefore no need for that formal shit. Got it?" He ranted, waving his arms around like a bird trying to fly.

Damn... okay. I didn't know you cared that much.

Gavin pulled out his phone and grabbed the AUX cord. A few seconds later "I kissed a girl" started playing.

"Oop- shit. No. Hang on." He mumbled, and changed the song.

I just continued to drive.

Eyes on the road Nines. No matter how much you want to smack that phone out of his hands. Just... keep driving.

"So... if you don't have a dick how do you like... y'know?" Gavin asked after a while.

"Why would you care how I have intercourse?"

He almost threw his phone out of his hands.
"WOAH! Okay! I wasn't- Okay I was wondering. But like, do you pee? Do you do anything?" 

"Not really.  I can't eat either. I can have sex, though I'm not gonna go into detail about that." I said, and accidentally ran a red light.

"If I get a ticket for that you're paying for it." Gavin hissed.

I chuckled, and glanced at him.

Gavin had his leg up, foreleg against the dash and was leaning against the door. Not the safest way to sit by any means, but he looked cute- COMFORTABLE!


"Nines? Your LED is red. You alright?" Gavin asked, not even looking at me.


He squinted and looked at me after that reply, for some reason.
"Wait a goddamn second. If you can't eat then why're you taking me to dinner?!"

"I thought it would be a nice experience for you. Plus, it has five stars." I chuckled.

"McDonald's has five stars."

I turned a corner and an error appeared. My internal GPS malfunctioned.

"What. The. Fuck. Applebee's?!" Gavin screeched and sat up straighter than Luther.

"I've gone 16 years without even seeing one of these! How the hell did you find one?! I didn't even know they still had these! Whaaaat?" He continued, going from screaming to whispering, and confused to slightly curious in 0.5 seconds.

"Are you really taking me there? The worst restaurant in American history?"

My LED went red, and he stopped talking.

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang