Dont mess with the penguin boy

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Gavin's POV

Slowly the hours ticked by. I felt like i was tied down to the bed, forced onto my back. All I wanted to do was fall asleep, but nooo!

The bed is way too hard. It feels like I'm laying on a rock, or several. Making my already sore and bruised back even more sore... and hopefully not bruised that'd be weird.

Moving hurts... a lot. A white hot pain that feels like the attack all over again. After several attempts on laying more comfortably (on my side or more spread out) I gave up.

The darkness that was the back of my eyelids grew boring.

And the fact that it felt like that android was staring holes into my soul didn't help.

I opened my eyes and just looked at it. The triangle and band on its arm illuminated through the darkness of the room.

The machine turned its gaze from the window on which it has been glued for a while, and met my gaze.

"You should try drinking some more of that 'coffee'." It said, emotionless.

"Like hell I will! What even is in that cup?!" I yelled back at it.

"Nothing that will hurt you. Camomile tea. So don't be a little bitch about it." The android replied.

"Ah-wha-mmfh..." I stuttered, speechless.

Did that plastic prick actually just call me a little bitch? I mean yeah it's been... odd... but this is new.

"Get your ass over here." I groaned, snapping and pointing to the ground next to the bed.

The machine did as it was asked.

It stood next to me, not saying anything.

I reached up and grabbed the collar of its shirt, pulling it closer to me.

With my other hand I punched it square in the face.

It's head snapped to the side upon impact.

"Fucking call me that again you tin-can. I dare you." I growled, then let go of it and it stood back up straight.

"Little bitch." It said causally.

I bolted upright to give it a good ruffing up, out of a sort of blind rage.

Pain made me freeze in place.

Instinctively I put my hands on my stomach and returned to lay down with aloud hiss of pain.

The android chuckled darkly, a cocky smirk on its face.

I kept my hands on my stomach and just hoped the sharp waves of pain would disappear. My eyes fell closed again, mouth slightly open as I breathed hard.

God, I just made the wrong choice.

"Androids can't feel pain." It stated casually, and walked back to the corner. "Punch me as much as you want. However, keep in mind, I can not feel the pain of it. And I'm not the one who was stabbed recently. Who has the upper hand in that situation?"

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now