Door beats

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Annnd the angst is over... for now... probably


I pulled into a parking space and Gavin woke up. His hair was a mess and he had evaporated thirium all over him.

For me it was a horror movie scene, but for any human he just looked normal.

"Holy shit this place looks fancy." Gavin mumbled and got out of the car.

I chuckled and followed him.

"It looks normal Gav. Maybe a little more 'fancy' than most hotels, but-"

"Hush your beautiful ass." Gavin interrupted and walked inside.

He tried to get a room but apparently he already had one. Which was suspicious.

I remained on edge. I couldn't afford to be surprised like earlier.

"Okay, lit, thanks." He said to the guy at the front desk and we walked off.

The lobby was empty. Not even a bartender was at the bar in the back.

This whole thing seemed odd to me, but my scruffy little human companion didn't seem to care.

"Twelfth floor. Room 1224." Gavin hummed as we got into the elevator.

Gavin wiggled the room key between his fingers. I snatched it and did a trick with it before the elevator doors opened and we were on our floor.

The whole floor was dead silent. But that wasn't too unusual for a hotel.

"You just gonna stand in the elevator? C'mon." Gavin called, pretty much already down the hall.

There was a thud and my eyes went wide, my legs moving on their own.

Gavin was leaning against the wall, doubled over.


He stood back up straight and told me to be quiet. Then grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him.


"Shhh! I'm fine! Listen!" He whisper yelled.

We were both silent.

There was audible music playing from this hotel room.

"Uh. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah." A guy inside 'sang'.

Gavin started laughing hysterically and we began to walk down the hall again.

"Just because school isn't for you, doesn't mean rapping is. Remember that Nines." He wheezed.

I just shook my head.

We found our room and Gavin opened the door, walking in and almost locking me out.

He whistled and looked around.

It was a rather spacious room. One king bed, a nice view of the city, a desk, a large TV, plus a few other things. And a large bathroom. If I had to list everything it would take a while...

"Did Elijah do this? Because I think this is a little out of my price range. And I make some decent cash." Gavin chuckled, looking out the windows that practically lined the whole wall.

"You spend it all on booze and cat food." I joked, walking up behind him.

The floor creaked and instantly I whipped my head around to see... well, nothing.

"Jumpy much?" Gavin laughed.

"Have you forgotten the events of today? I think I have all the reason to be on alert." I mumbled.

He snorted and turned to me.
"So... wanna put this bottle of wine to good use?"

"Gav, I can't consume-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I got a cheap solution for that, probably..." he interrupted, forcing me to sit in the desk chair.

"Open this, pie flavor." Gavin hummed.

My LED went red.
"Don't you mean 'por favor'?"

The human shrugged and took back the opened bottle of wine. Gavin poured two glasses, then took my hand and cut my finger. Letting the thirium drip into one of the glasses.

"Boom. Disgusting but consumable." He said, sounding satisfied with himself.

My finger continued to dribble thirium into the glass, turning the white whine a dark teal color.


"Ahp, hush. We'll just pretend like that isn't your own blood. Sounds great." Gavin interrupted again.

I looked at the cup and then at him.
"Gav... they have a bottle of thirium right there."

He turned around.
"And I Oop-"

Low key *if* I did a (poorly drawn) Q and A chapter would anyone be into that?

⭕️ yes (leave a question as a comment)


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