Thanksgiving special that i will never finish

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An; sooo I forgot about this and now I know I'm never gonna finish it, but I thought I'd publish what has been done anyways

Nine's POV

Gavin and I were driving over to Hank and Connor's house. As they had invited everyone to come over.

As far as I knew, Kara, Alice, Luther, Ralph, a few Jerrys, Markus, Simon, North, Josh, the blue and brow haired Tracis, and maybe a few others were going.

Gavin was being abnormally quiet. Arms crossed and seat a bit further back than mine. He had a pouty, brooding expression stuck to his face.

"What's wrong, Gav?" I asked, stopping at a stop sign.

He looked over at me, with a bit of a surprised face. Eyebrows high on his forehead and eyes wide, lips just slightly parted.

He huffed, sitting up a bit more in his seat, "Oh, uh... my bitch ass brother suddenly decides he's coming as well."

I chuckled, and began to drive again; a car behind me beeping, loud and annoying.

The drive was relatively short. Gavin was complaining or dead silent, with no in between, the whole time.

I pulled up into Hank's driveway, it was surprisingly pretty empty. Not many people being here yet.

Gavin got out as soon as the vehicle had stopped, and bolted inside.

Leaving me to carry everything like the little brat he is.

I sighed, and got out. Grabbing some food from the trunk and back seat. Expertly balancing the dishes to only have to make one trip.

Gavin opened the door for me, Sumo being held back by Hank as the giant dog barked and struggled. Just wanting to greet us and make sure we were not dangerous.

Once the animal saw me it quieted, probably thinking I was Connor.

Hank let go of his collar and the dog walked up to me. It seemed happy, and sat at my feet. Begging for food.

Gavin chuckled and walked away, "This is why I'm a cat person."

Hank shot him a look.

I stepped further inside, Sumo trailing behind me.

"Where do you want these?" I asked, looking around.

So far, it seemed like we were the first ones here. It surprised me a little.

"Anywhere's fine." Hank answered, shoveling more food into Sumo's bowl, "Eat your own damn food you goof. Ya got plenty of it." He mumbled at the animal.

Gavin smirked, and made eye contact with me. Silently telling me 'This is why I'm a cat person' again.

I rolled my eyes and set the food down on the counter, "Where's Connor?"

"In the bedroom talkin' with Chloe." Hank answered, sitting down on the couch and watching football.

I didn't really understand why humans found it entertaining, but who am I to judge?

Gavin pulled on my sleeve, trying to get my attention like a child would.

I turned and looked at him.

"That means Elijah's here?" He asked Hank, hiding his anger by locking arms with me and gripping my forearm with an almost crushing force.

"Yeah..." Hank answered, not really paying attention. Focus captured by the TV.

I swear I could hear Gavin's teeth grinding together in anger.

"What's with you two anyways?" I asked, looking down at the shorter man.

He groaned and just walked away. Sitting down on the couch, leaving one cushion in between him and Hank.

Sumo walked up to me and laid down on my feet.

I pet the large canine's head, before stepping over it, and walking to the bedroom. Stopping outside the door and listening for a second.

There was an annoyed groan, and then a few swears mumbled.

I knocked.

"Come in!" Connor called.

I opened the door to see Kamski's with his hair in pigtails, as he wore an ugly sweater with a realistic turkey on it.

"Don't. Say. Shit." He hissed, obviously embarrassed and ticked off.

I snorted before hysterical laughter erupted from my throat.

Warning: biocomponent 73691 has become unstable

Warning: overheating; cooling protocol initiated

Chloe pulled me inside the room and closed the door.

"Shh!" She giggled, returning next to Elijah.

Tears were filling my vision I was laughing so hard.

Gavin opened the door without a warning and just froze.

He then took off in a deadass sprint after his phone that he left in the kitchen.

"NOOO!!" Kamski howled, trying to get his hair back to normal.

Chloe grabbed his wrists in a death grip and made him wince.

"This took me twenty minutes with you whining. Don't you dare mess it up." She warned threateningly, somehow with that usual giant smile on her face.

Gavin overshot the doorway, almost slamming face first into the door to the garage.

He fixed himself and began to just take as many pictures as possible.

Elijah had a face of complete regret.
"Delete those." He growled.

"Nope!" Gavin cackled.

I was still laughing, and Connor was desperately trying not to.

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