Grassy hills and clock towers...

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AAAAAA THE AMAZING oasisofpassion DREW THE PICTURE UP TOP!! NINES EATING A BABY WIPE! Gave me a good laugh, tysm!!

9s POV

I told Gavin about what had happened. About the blue blood. I had to tell him... what else could I have done?

Honestly, most of my predicted outcomes for that scenario ended in him being a lot more upset or worried.

But no, Gavin just shrugged and looked at me, sipping a cup of coffee in...  practically the middle of the day?

"Welp... let birds fly, I guess." Was all he said.

"I- what? You aren't worried about the possible dangers we're in? About what that android said?" I asked.

Gavin stood up straight, revealing Henry under his arm still.
"Nah, I'm just concerned about this assless chap. If you know what I mean."

I just stared at the human. Confused.
"We... literally almost died? And now you're fine with it?"

Gavin squinted at me. Then nodded, a new sort of understanding to his expression.
"Oooooohhhhhhh! Okay, yeah, now I know what you're talking about."

"How did you not know before?!"

Gavin sipped his coffee again.
"Yeah, phck Yeah, we're getting out of this house. I'm not too keen on the idea of being murdered in my sleep so..."

I laughed, sort of out of anxiety, but still.

Henry broke loose from Gav's grip and just managed to lay across the human's shoulders. The cat mewed and looked at me, attempting to consume some of Gavin's hair.

"How do you smell like wet dog? You're a cat, bub." He chuckled, taking the animal off of his shoulders.

Henry just looked at me again. His little tongue sticking out.

Gavin kissed Henry's head and walked off.
"Yeah, lemme give this gremlin a bath then we can head out. Not sure where we'll go, but y'know. It'll be a little adventure."

"Uh, okay. Sounds like a... plan?" I laughed, still so confused by this whole ordeal.

"Something like one anyways- ow."


Gavin's POV

I turned on the bathtub, making sure the water was warm but not hot. It was just over room temperature... Henry is great but he doesn't deserve a steamy hot bath with some phcking flower petals n shit. I'll just get him a bag of catnip later, I guess.

Thooooough, he's a good bub and I know for a phcking fact the other two bitches will eat all of it while he just attempts to eat a potato chip left under the couch. True story. It has happened like six times before.

Damn the little fella even ate my chocolate cake. Yeah, that was a fun trip to the vet...

"Gavi- woah! Why do you have your shirt off?" Nines asked, leaning against the doorway to the bathroom.

"So I don't get wet. Duh. Henry likes to try to give me hugs while I wash his paws." I chuckled, cupping my hand and gently pouring water over his back.

"No, no, no, no, no..!" Henry whined.

I looked over my shoulder at Nines, who seemed very... confused.

"Animals can talk? Since when?" He whispered.

That made me laugh.
"Since never. Henry is just expressive."

The android hummed and walked closer, putting the toilet seat down and sitting on it. Also sitting next to me, kinda.

"I like cats." He said softly, looking at me with this look in his eyes. Nines seemed so... human.

Damn, my brother doesn't really ever do a good job. Not that I'd like admit anyways, but this? Phck... he really outdid himself.

Wait... that's- that's weird. Never mind, stop thinking about your half bro while trying not to get a hard-on for a hunk of plastic. Just...! Focus on washing your puss- CAT! MY CAT! WHOSE NAME IS HENRY! I DONT EVEN HAVE A- OHHHHHHPHCK...

"Gavin? Henry is waiting." Nines chuckled, snapping me out of thought.

My face must've been bright red because his LED changed colors. Going to a vibrant yellow for a split second.

"Y-yep! C'mon you piece of smoked salmon, lemme wash your feetsies."

The android chuckled again.
"I... used to not understand why anyone would choose to have  an animal as a companion. But I think you've made me underage now."

"Yeah? I've made you understand something?" I asked, glancing into his icy eyes.

"Surprisingly. I thought that my processors would never gain any Info from your, What, two brain cells? But I guess even I am wrong, no?" Nines asked, tilting his head to the side.

Henry looked over at him and meowed. I hushed the cat and kissed his wet head.

"Hey Nines, you know the old apple emojis right?" I asked, just trying to make small talk. And ignore the low key flirting we were doing.
Or maybe I was just overthinking... again.

"Uh... Yeah. Why?"

"The Devil mask thing's nose looks like a red dick." I laughed, picturing it in my head.

Nines chuckled and showed me his hand, an image of the exact emoji on it.


"Is this what you're talking about?" He asked, smiling just a little. The left corner of his mouth turned up... oh god.

"Yeah..." I sighed contently.

Henry then decided he was done with this and tried to escape. I grabbed the poor thing's back leg then picked him up by the belly and propped him back into the tub.

"No. Bad Hen-Meister!"

Nines just burst out laughing, covering his face with his hand.

Oh phck... that cute af.

I know where I'm taking him later... ;)

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang