Hit and Run

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(I did the pic above. It's still a work in progress by a long shot but yea... I didn't know what else to put there tbh)

Gavin's POV

Crimson weaved through paths of pebbles, and dripped down the storm drain. The metallic scent overwhelming. As was the pain.

I felt cold and weak. limbs beginning to go heavy, feeling like my inevitable Tombstone.

It was just supposed to be checking an old abandoned apartment complex. Not a fucking hit and run. That bastard couldn't even finish the job, just left me to suffer on the street.

With the last bit of hope, I tried to get up. My arms wobbled and then gave out. There was no strength to try again. My limbs going completely numb.

I was bleeding so much. It covered me, covered the ground, everything.

Just barely over the sound of my own heart pounding in my ears and my racing thoughts I could hear screaming and yelling.

Out of the very, very corner of my vision I could see four pairs of feet. Unless I was hallucinating, which wouldn't be doubtful.

By now I was seeing stars and beginning to weave in and out of blacking out.

The man who attacked me slipped to the ground, lips and face slightly tinted a blue-purple.

Come on Gavin, don't do this to yourself. Keep fighting. Don't give up.

A last ditch effort I inhaled deeply.

"Help!" I yelled, before I had to take another weak breath.

Black shoes raced towards me.

"Officer Reed!" I heard that fucking android yell.

I only wheezed a reply... If trying to breathe counts as a reply that is.

Cold hands touched me. They rolled me onto my back, cheek no longer against the stained red asphalt.

"Officer Reed, I've alerted the authorities. An ambulance is on its way." The machine said, not even sounding concerned.

The cold tone it always had.
Then again, what do I want from an Android?

Pain shot through my stomach. My eyes snapped back to being fully opened and I looked down to see the Tin-Can putting pressure on my gaping stab wound.
My head fell back, and my jaw clenched.

It hurt but I knew it would do me some good.

The android took off its suit and balled it up, pressing it hard against me. Both of his hands returned to my body.

Again I just clenched my jaw.

Silence. A suffocating silence overtook everything.

No cars passed by- not that they had really to begin with.

No people were out. Again, not like they had been around to begin with. Which is why I was so sure I was gonna die. And I still am.

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang