Guess whos also getting some pizza?

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Nines' POV for once

Gavin and I walked, as it was down the block, as we were in a pretty urban area. Then again... most everywhere was nowadays.

The temperature was about 45°F, which was cool. By human standards.

It was nice for me because, while my systems are equipped to cool in upwards of 90°F weather, it's not very pleasant of an experience. It takes a lot out of me.

But, being in this temperature? Oh... it's nice. I don't have to work very hard at all, Incase of a spike in internal temperatures.

"Yo, Nines, keep up!" Gavin called.

"N-Nines?" I questioned, taking slightly larger strides.

"Hmm?" Gavin hummed, slowing slightly and looking up at me.

"You... called me Nines?"

"Yeah? Huh... I thought I've called you that before. Been doin' it in my head for a while, must not've said it out loud yet." Gavin chuckled, stopping completely now and eyes locked into mine.

My LED spun yellow.

"Do... do you want me to call you something else or...?" Gavin asked, crossing his arms.

I opened and closed my mouth.
"Yes- no. No! I-I like Nines."

He laughed, and pat my shoulder. Having to reach slightly up, as there was a (decently significant) height difference.

(Gavin is 5'9 and Nines' height isn't given, but he seems taller than Connor- who is about 6'- so...)

My LED went red, for a split second. And this is when I was thankful for the cool weather.

We were walking again, and Gavin made a face.

"The phck is that noise? Sounds like a muffled hairdrye- oh my god."Gavin asked, looking at me, then laughing.

"I-uh... my fans. As you probably guessed..."

"BAHAHAHA! YES! Oh my god! That flustered you? Seriously?" He cackled.

I rolled my eyes.
"I wouldn't put it that way...."

He snorted, and walked faster.

"I don't know him!" He joked.

I reached out and grabbed his hood, making him stop like a bitch on a short chain.

"Knock it off, meatball." I hissed.

He laughed again, and looked back at me. A goofy smile on his face.

I sighed.
"You're lucky I don't hate you."

"Yeah well... I hate you so." He hummed, being cocky. Per usual.

Again I rolled my eyes.

Gavin walked backwards, and finger gunned at me. Winking.
"No you!"

I stepped forward quickly, and he ran.
"Phck! Phck! Phck! I angered it!" He yelled.

I chuckled, and walked after him. There was no need to run. He wasn't in the best shape, and considering he was injured somewhat recently, he wouldn't run for long.

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now