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9s is back bitches

We walked into the office and 'signed in' with the female android at the desk.

I had Gavin's arm around my shoulders, holding onto his waist as he stumbled over his own feet.

"Phckkkkkk yoooou Nines!" He whined, as I sat him down into his desk chair.

"Take me out to dinner first, Gav. Then maybe." I joked.

He whimpered and collapsed over his desk.

I bent down and kissed his cheek.
"Take a nap for a bit. Fowler shouldn't care, you've done worse."

He turned his head to the side and puckered his lips. I just stood back up and pat his head.
"Hank will make fun of you. And you're in no position to stand up for yourself so... later hun."

His body relaxed, but he seemed confused.

I just chuckled and walked away. Tina walked in and looked at Gavin. Then at me, and walked over.

"What happened to him?" She laughed.

"Accidentally drank something with thirium in it." I replied.

Her expression changed.

Tina Chen is concerned about Gavin Reed
Hypothesis: because he drank thirium and is now passed out at his desk drooling like a dog

"I may or may not have told him to drink a Starbucks frappe which had it in it. So... it's my fault." I explained in further detail.

Tina relaxed a little.
"Oh. I'm gonna get a coffee, um... you want one?"

I held my hands behind my back and chuckled.
"I can't really... drink coffee."

She covered her mouth with both hands.
"Shit! Right! My B!"

I laughed and motioned for her to follow, walking into the break room and standing at the table.
"So, how's the girlfriend?"

Tina was making herself a coffee.
"The reason I'm late again today."

System message: yikes

"How's the friend who is boy?" She hummed, sticking the lid on the cup.

"The reason I'm late again today." I replied, smirking as she walked over.

Tina winked and leaned over the table.
"Oh do tell."

I looked over at Gavin, who was... snoring. Chris was giving him a weird look from across the office.

"Alright. Don't tell Gav though, he'll punch me in the arm and hurt himself."

She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
"No promises."

I reached out my hand, and she looked at it.

"I'm not an Android, Nines. I don't know what you're trying to- oH!"

She looked at the pictures of Gavin from last night on my hand.

"Wow, he really got his tits out for that one."

She looked through more, making a face as she bit her bottom lip.

"Was that even English?" I asked, half understanding the... whatever that was.

"Gavin you little hO!" She squealed and grabbed onto my hand, bringing it closer to her face. And dragging me half over the table.

And then Connor walked up...
"What are you guys doi- oh my RA9."

He stared at my hand. Then just walked away, LED going red and his face going blue.

Gavin snorted really loud and then lifted his head up for a second. Then just let it slam back down against the desk with a loud thud.

"Yikes..." Tina hissed, cringing in sympathetically pain.

She looked back at my hand and pulled it close again, dragging me even more over the table. My ass sticking out like Gavin, except not on purpose.

"Can you send these to me? I need new blackmail material." She asked, and let my hand go. I fell back onto the floor, and nodded. Looking at her pocket and sending it to her phone.


She winked and looked over at Hank.
"So... how's everything with Connor?"

I followed her gaze, "What do you mean?"

"Y'know... you're kinda brothers and all-"

"He's Connor. It's... it is what it is. And technically we aren't blood related." I mumbled, looking away.

Tina took a long sip of her coffee.
"Still, it's gotta be weird. I mean, he looks just like you."

I shrugged.
"Identical twins exist."

"Yeah, but... I lost my train of thought." She mumbled, trailing off as she picked up her phone.

"Damn..." Tina hummed, smiling.

"I'm... gonna go make sure Gavin doesn't puke all over his desk and thee terminal." I said, and walked away.

Tina waved bye, and I sat crouched down next to Gavin.
"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit."

I hummed and pulled a chair up to be next to him.

Gavin moves and put his head in my lap with a little huff.

"I'm just gonna..." He trailed off.

Loud snoring instantly.

"Fowler is gonna kill us." I whispered, taking off my cyberlife jacket and putting it over Gavin like a blanket.

"Hopefully." Hank muttered, walking past with his keys in his hand.

"Lieutenant! We talked about this!" Connor cried, racing to catch up.

He got soft after the revolution.

They both did.

"Nines." Gavin mumbled, body twitching as he slept.

I put a hand on his shoulder and opened the terminal, hoping to actually get some work done.

"Nines please. Don't... Don't go."

I looked down at the human.

Gavin Reed is having a nightmare

Part of me wanted to be like 'sucks to suck' but I had already done a mean thing to him today...

"Gav. Gaaaav~ Gay. Gavin. Gayvin. Gayorino. What other weird things to humans say?"

He was awake now, face hidden in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Gavin nodded.

"'M fine."

System message: This bitch lying YEET

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now