Sleep deprived and eatin'Chives

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Gavin and I walked into his apartment with him cackling. He put his badge on the counter and hunched over it, snorting.

"It wasn't even that funny, Gav." I chuckled and took off my cyberlife jacket. Then unbuttoned the first two buttons on my shirt, letting my collar fall down.

Gavin stood back up and turned to me with a wheeze.
"It's... it's just a dad joke! Why am I crying??"

I shrugged and kicked off my shoes. Gavin took off his jacket and his shoes too. Then sat down next to me, legs in my lap.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Gavin. Drugging you and all, it was kinda a dick move." I apologized.

He just let his head fall back and blew a raspberry.
"It's whatever. I'm sure it was funny, and y'know, Tina will blackmail me with videos but it's fine. Let's just hope that Fowler doesn't give us any surprise drug tests..."

"Mmh. Yeah. That would be bad, as I would be positive for lethal amounts of thirium." I joked.

Gavin lifted his head and made a face before getting the joke and then relaxing again.
"I'm so goddamn tired right now holy shit."

His cat jumped into my lap, before moving to lay between Gavin's legs and the back of the couch. She put her head on his legs and began to purr.

Gavin sighed and pet her.

"Me?" I asked as a joke, gently rubbing Gavin's legs.

His breathing hitched.

I chuckled.
"I was joking."

He jumped to be sitting up.
"I mean uh- uhhhhh... I-I thought you were doing a voice for the cat! Um... yeah! That!"


He huffed and moved, making the cat jump back onto the floor.

Gavin pushed me back onto the couch, and something in his eyes changed. He moved his hand from my chest and laid down on top of me, snuggling up to me actually.

I sat up a little bit, and wrapped an arm around him.

Gavin reached up next to my face and grabbed the remote.
"Have you seen spongebob? I think my homosexual awakening was sexy squidward."


"Nothin', nothin'. Let's, uh, let's watch whatever this is." He chuckled.

"Gavin this is a horror movie. Are you su-"

"I ain't no pussy! That's a pussy!" He interrupted and pointed to his cat who was licking her front paws.

"That is a cat." I stated.

He huffed and put his head back onto my chest.
"You're a pussy..."

I grabbed my jacket from the floor and put it over his back like a blanket.
"Whatever you say, Gav."

Something about him seemed different. He seemed sort of calm, but also sort of sad. His heart beat faster but his breathing slowed. Almost as if he was holding his breath a little after each time he exhaled.

"What's wrong Gav?" I asked.

He looked up at me.
"What? Oh, uh, nothing. I just... got reminded of my crazy phckin' ex."

I hummed and began to rub his back.

Gavin shakily inhaled before frowning.
"He took Henry...!"

My LED spun yellow.
"Who's Henry?"

The Human made a little noise and hid his face in my chest.
"The best little kitten you'd ever meet in your whole life!"

So Henry isn't another human...

His two other cats were staring at him. They then walked away together like two sassy rich widows.

My hand just rested on his upper back now. Gently stroking between his shoulder blades with my thumb.
"He... took your cat?"

Gavin nodded and looked up at me. His face was red and his eyes were too.
"hE tOoK hEnrY AwAy fRoM mE!"

I started to rub his back again.
"Was Henry originally his?"

Tears welled up in his eyes over his poor long lost feline friend.
"No! Henry was a stray... and he loved me. And I loved him. And- and- and..!"

"How about I make you some coffee, Gav? It probably won't help you calm down because of the caffeine, but it might be... nice?"

Gavin nodded.

I put my hand on his head.
"You're going to have to let me up."

Gavin hugged my torso before sitting up and on the other side of the couch.

I got up, grabbed a mug from the cabinet (it had the gay pride flag on the handle) and turned on the smart-coffee-maker ™.

When I turned around with the steaming cup of coffee, Gavin was asleep. Curled up around my jacket, face hidden in the monochrome fabric.

I set the cup down on the side table and smiled.
"I guess it is getting late..."

Gavin's leg twitched as I bent down to scoop  him up into my arms. He mumbled something quietly as I picked him up.

"Shh, I gotcha Gav... get some rest."

Once he was in his bedroom, I laid him down gently onto his bed and tucked him in.
"You deserve It."

He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me down onto the bed too. So, I made the most of it and spooned him.

Gavin held onto my arms and pressed his back snugly to my chest.

His cats hopped up onto the bed and curled up in various places.

However, I noticed there were three cats instead of two. A little orange one laid down right in front of Gavin.

"HENRY?!" I heard the human yelp, sitting up and fully awake now.

Oh RA9...

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя