Devorced Beheaded Died Devorved Beheaded Survived

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Watch the video and all of its trash quality because YouTube is fun like that


Gavin surprisingly woke up before me. Not that I sleep, but I was updating my software.

When I got up he was feeding the cats, already changed with wet hair.

"Hey." Gavin said softly, putting the bag of cat food back into the cabinet.

"Good morning, Gav." I replied, watching this little orange cat weave in and out of Gavin's legs.

"Stop that you little traffic cone!" Gavin scolded and picked up the animal.

"Go eat, ya doof." He chuckled and put Henry back down a few feet away.

I chuckled too and made Gavin a cup of coffee.

He sat on the kitchen island behind me, and kicked his legs. Every now and then intentionally touching my ass with his sock.


"Hey, it ain't gay. I got socks on." He defended, raising his hands up.

My LED went yellow.
"No, I was going to say stop kicking my ass. Literally."

The human just laughed and shrugged.

Somehow he seemed different. Less prickly. Less... aware?

I ran a scan and his heart rate was elevated and his eyes were... off. A little more bloodshot and pupils a little more dilated.

"Gavin are you okay?" I asked as I handed him his coffee.

He took the coffee and sipped it.
"Yeah. Better than ever, since lil' Henry's back. Why wouldn't I be okay? Hmm?"

System message: Gavin Reed is being defensive.
Hypothesis: error: need more data.

My LED went red before back to blue. I was forced to just shrug it off.

"Ready to head out?" Gavin asked, then chugged his coffee.

"I suppose."

Longer chapter coming... eventually
I promise!!

Rant below, so if that bores you then idk go read some other gay shit for the time being?

this just? hit 30k (not a lot compared to some stories but still amazing to me) and wOW. When I first wrote this I just wrote it for shits and giggles (definitely not because I was bored in a car ride to Chick-Fil-A... nah) SOOOOO I just wanted to say thanks for sticking around for this story and all of its bullshit. It only goes downhill from, well, the second you click on this actually ngl

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now