What the floop is this pig

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Taking a break from the main story because I can also because I'm in A LOT of pain and brain machine broke :,)

So please forgive any errors or shitty writing

Gavin's POV
~ 5 months ago (just barely post revolution)

"Here ya go, Henry." I chuckled, filling an extra food bowl for this little cat that came around pretty often.

He meowed and rubbed against my hand, purring.
"Alright cutie, I gotta go to work. You two assholes, behave."

My actual cats just looked at me, before stuffing their faces with wet food.

I grabbed my keys, my coat, and left to go to the station.

My phone buzzed. Elijah was texting me.

That prick...

I just ignored it, and turned up the radio.
"Creeper, aw man- USE THE GAS ASSHOLE!"

After a fun and traffic free drive I was finally at work.

I deleted my notifications, walking into a glass door that apparently wasn't automatic anymore.

Tina turned around and made a face. She stopped flirting with the android at the desk and ran away.

"Just as weird as always..." I mumbled and opened the glass door.

"Good morning may I see your identification?" The android asked.

That whole ordeal and what? Still just a box of wires and bullshit.

"Here." I huffed and showed it my badge.

The android smiled and wished me a good day.

I just looked back down at my phone and walked further into the station.
"I need a phckn' coffee..."

Tina screeched and rushed past me.

"Bro! Where you going?! I need to tell you about this chad I met last night, total... Tina??" I called as she scrambled into the evidence room.

"Okay then... if you gotta go you gotta go, uh, solve that case." I chuckled and turned my attention to the coffee maker.

Usually people would be talking, noise filling the station even at this early in the morning. But somehow it was dead silent.

Not even Connor was talking about dogs or whatever the phck he likes ranting about to Mr. Krabs over there.

I put the lid on my coffee and turned around to see Hank, Connor, Chris, and Fowler staring at me. They all looked away once I looked at them.

"What? Is my fly down or something?" I asked, and walked over to Hank and Connor.

"N-No... it's uh-"

Hank interrupted Connor, who's LED was bright red. It had been since I walked in really.
"You're a dumbass, Reed."

I shrugged and looked around.
"So, What prank are you guys gonna pull on me- sweet mother of Jesus what the fuck is that?!"

An android, identical to Connor stood next to my desk. There was a sticky note on its chest.

"What. The. Phck."

It opened its eyes and looked down at me. Something about it's cold gaze was creepy.

If the android at the front desk was robotic this packing thing is... is... I didn't know where I was going with that but you get what I'm trying to say, right self? Right!

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