Little lynx

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Yo my dog,,
He's on Instagram and I'm *shamelessly* promoting it! Go follow the little pupkin! (Get it? Because he's dressed as a..? and he's a..? whatever, just go read the story... it's fine... *loud, gross, sobbing in the distance*)

Username: bar_k900__mc.nums

Link, even tho idk of it works on here yah-yEET:

9s the android man thing banana peel small brain moment right now fam

We had checked out of the hotel and drove back to Gavin's house. Something about him seemed off.

He was quiet most of the car ride, and kept playing this one Japanese song. It was apparently the closing to an anime called "Banana Fish" but I wasn't gonna ask any questions.

"Rip Marco, you will not be forgotten." Was all he whispered at some point when I stopped at a red light.

I didn't know what that meant, but again, not going to ask any questions.

The human then whispered something along the lines of, "I refuse to acknowledge what happened to you... you're at home, knitting, making your husband Jean a little hat, and- and he'll come home and y'all will make some soup and all is good in the world."

Anyways, parked and Gavin unlocked the door, taking no more than two steps inside of his home before freezing.

"Someone's been here." he whispered, reaching for a gun he didn't have.

I ran an analysis. Nothing seemed to be amiss. Nothing broken, nothing missing, everything seemingly in its place. Just like it had been before we left.

"Gav, everything is in it's rightful place. No one has been here, I assure you." I said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Yeah, the little bastard man didn't seem convinced.
"Those are lies. I know it. I can feel it. I know that someone had been here, Niiiiiines!"

"Uh-Huh... okay, Gavin. Anyways, Henry! Uh... the other two fluffballs! Come get some food!" I called, opening the pantry and shoveling some dry food into their bowls.

Henry came running. The other two cats, not so much.

Gavin sighed in relief behind me.
"Oh Henry, my little assless man, thank the laWRD you're still here you little chonk."

Henry meowed and just stuffed his face with food.

I chuckled and closed the pantry, smiling at Gavin.

He still seemed to be on edge. Walking around as if something would jump out at him.

My smile turned to a frown.
"Gav, you're just paranoid. Whatever that android told you, I'm sure it's nothing. Nobody is here. Nobody has been here. You're okay."

Gavin picked up Henry, who gave a little mew and reached out towards the food bowl.
"Shh, shh, baby I know. I know, you wanna eat as much food as humanly possible, just like your dad. But I don't want anything bad to happen to you, so now you're being held."

I watched as my 'partner in crime' kissed the little orange fluffballs head.

Then something clicked.
"Wait, did you call him assless earlier?"

Gavin looked at me.
"Huh? Oh yeah. Assless. See?"

He showed me Henry's little stump tail.

My LED just went yellow, and I decided not to question it. There were a lot of things not worth questioning today.

"Anyways, c'mon you little football." Gavin said, walking with Henry under his arm.

The whole house got really quiet. I just stood there, the other two cats rubbing up against my legs.

"Hey Nines?" The human called, voice coming from the bedroom.

"Sorry guys, duty calls." I chuckled, carefully walking past the cats. They meowed and followed me for a few feet before giving up and going back to eat.

"Can you run a scan of this room?" Gavin asked, Henry stocking his paws on top of his head, doing a little 'Blep' as Gavin called it.

I ran the scan, and just froze.

Blue blood covered the carpet, the sheets, mainly the sheets, even more of the sheets, the headboard, the sheets, the ceiling, did I mention the sheets? The pillows, mainly the bed...

"Uh..." was all that came out of my mouth, my voice component feeling like it had been knocked out of place.

Quickly I covered my led, pretending to scratch my head.

"Yeah?" Gav asked, looking at me. Henry was massaging his hair and purring audibly.

"I think you need to do some laundry... that's- that's all." I said, then turned to walk out of the room. Facing away from Gavin and letting my hand rest on the wall, showing how my LED was bright red. I felt sick, and the floor seemed to warp under my gaze. The carpet seemingly creating weird pictures...

"Yeah, these sheets do kinda stink... when was the last time I washed them anyways?" Gavin mumbled, stripping the bed.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered, standing back upright. Forcing myself to stop all of the different scenarios for how that thirium got there from running through my head- or rather processors.

"Huh... you get a bloody nose two nights ago? Wait, I thought the blue juice evaporated after however many hours..." Gavin asked, walking past me while holding a pillow case that had some blue still visible on it.

The thirium is fresh...

We need to get out of here.

Gavin was right.

Someone's been here.

And they ruined the sheets! Not the fucking sheeeeeeeeeeets!

"Ohhh sheet!" Gavin joked, smiling at me over his shoulder as he dumped them into the washing machine.
"Get it? Sheet? Shit? Oh shit? Oh sheet? Yeah... it's funny. You laughin'..."

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now