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Sorry if the writing is kinda shitty I'm currently sick :,)


A few hours had passed. We started work on another case. Anderson had taken over our old one due to Gavin being 'unfit'.

"What we got boiz?" Gavin announced, strutting into the active crime scene with the confidence of... well, his half brother after a few drinks. Probably.

Chris looked over at us.
"Uh... H-Hank was supposed to-"

"Suck my ass Chris, Hank and Son TM are off on their own adventures today. It's us or nothin'." Gavin snapped and walked up to Chris.

"Gavin height intimidation won't work. I've seen you cry like a baby over a piece of cake, you're not scary, and also you're only like... three inches taller than me?" Chris sighed and took a step back.

Gavin turned around and jumped nearly out of his skin.

Officer Miller laughed.
"Guess it will work on you though."

Gavin relaxed and looked at me. He stood on his toes and squinted at me.

"Gav, I'm still taller than you. Now, if you want to be taller than me..." I hummed and picked him up.

Gavin squirmed in my arms and cried out for Chris to save him. Eventually, he just kinda... fell out of my arms. Oops.

"Anyways, we got a double homicide. The suspect seems to be a red ice dealer..." officer Miller began to explain. He was keeping a watchful eye on Gavin for some reason.

Cognitive Error
Solution: To Be Determined/Announced.

"Okay. Noted. But why, um... Chris can you try to explain to me why the victims, uh, got their phcking dicks out?" Gavin mumbled, crossing his arms and squinting at the bodies.

"Or stolen." I added.

Which was true, the bodies laid there. One face up, completely naked, and missing their dick. The other's genitals weren't visible but we assumed the same thing happened.

Chris just looked at us.
"We have no idea. Thought you guys might be able to figure that one out."

Gavin snorted.
"Alright go do your thing, detec- dear."

The whole room went silent.

"What?" I asked.

Gavin's face went bright red.
"Deer! Outside. It ran away though, you missed it! It's like, uh, when you um, see a horse. And you're, uh, d-driving. Gotta announce that shit, right??"

"Bitch!" I heard someone 'announce' from the other end of the huge room.

Gavin whipped his head around.
"Shut the phck up Tina!"

She just laughed and went back to work.

"Alright... I'm going to look around, Gav. Come get me if you figure anything out." I said slowly, both confused and slightly embarrassed for Gavin.



Chris kept talking about the murder. I just looked at the bodies, poked one with a piece of metal that was on the floor.

Yep. They're dead alright.

"Yo! Gav!" Time yelled and came running over like a lunatic.

"What's up?" I asked and stood up.

"You Gucci?" She asked, actually concerned despite the old meme language she was using.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

She just shrugged and looked down at the bodies.
"People from the ME's office are on their way. I'd suggest making things quick while you still can."

"I don't think you know how this wor-"

"Hush now Gregory. I am searching." Tina interrupted, putting her index finger near my lips.


She walked off just as spontaneously as she appeared and that was that.

"Guess I'll start actually looking around too, instead of just poking nips with metal bars." I mumbled to myself, making poor Chris give me a weird look again.

I couldn't have cared less though. He's seen me do some shit. Seen be go through some shit. Tina has seen more on both of those fronts and still couldn't give a rat's ass about the majority of it.
Chris got spooked on the regular though.

"Ight later, Milkshake." I said and walked off.

"Milkshake??" Chris whispered behind me, confused as hell.

The scene was boring. Just some bloody footprints on the concrete floor and some blue blood that hadn't quite evaporated yet. Footprints disappeared, but the blue blood led to a closet.

"Nines! Can you come over here for a sec?" I called.

No reply.

"Nines?" I called again, looking over my shoulder now.

There was a thud from the closet. I grabbed my gun with one hand and held the door handle with the other.
"What the phck?"

I tried to open the closet but it was locked. The banging on the door continued, and I grew concerned.

"Nines?!" I yelled.

The banging on the door stopped instantly. Just a small thud before silence.

Mistake number one, turning my back on that door for a second to look around for Tina or Chris.

Mistake number two, failing to scream as something pulled me inside of said closet.

"What the ph-"

"Shh." An android whispered, voice crackling and mechanical. Blue blood covered their skin and almost every surface of the closet.

I tried to reach for my gun, but failed. It had fallen out of its holster and my hand when I was initially grabbed.

"Gavin. Gavin shut up." She snapped at me.

How does this thing know my name?!

"You need to run. Okay? You need to go! Don't go home tonight. The hotel on 3rd? Go there. Trust me, Gavin. Please." She continued.

I kept looking at her face, since that's all I could really see. Chunks of her skin were missing, revealing the wires flickering underneath. Still, I just looked at the android. Then it clicked.

Brett's little whore with blonde hair and big tits.
"I'm so sorry about this Gavin." She apologized and pinched my neck. I felt this electricity run through my body for a second.

Instantly everything went black. Footsteps echoed in my ears before silence took over everything.

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now