These titles never really corrolate so here we are

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The sun was setting now. The light making the mostly empty station this orangish color.

I heard footsteps and just thought 'oh boy...'.

"Gavin?!" Someone yelled, making me look over that way.

Those damn blue eyes met mine and everything just froze for a second.

Before I even really realized it I had gotten up and was running over towards that stupid toaster.

He just laughed happily and held me. Letting me bury my face in his neck and my hands claw at his back just trying to get a good grip. Trying to convince myself that Nines was really here and I hadn't just fallen asleep at my desk.

"Gavin! Gavin.... I'm so happy you're okay." Nines whispered and put a hand on the back of my head.

I just tried to hold onto him even tighter than I already was.

"I'm so happy...." he repeated into my hair, holding me so close now.

I pulled back, tears streaming down my face.

The android smiled at me and I hugged him again. Wrapping my arms around his neck this time.

"They said they couldn't fix you!" I sobbed.

He froze.
"What? Who?"

Again I pulled back.
"The repairs center."

Nines looked into my eyes and I couldn't read his emotions. His LED was red but it had been since he walked back into the DPD.

He android just kissed me and I didn't care. I kissed back and smiled.

Nines was okay.
He was okay...
He was safe now.

"Gav..." the toaster whispered against my lips.

"Don't speak." I chuckled and kissed him again.

He pulled back.
"No, Gavin- Tina is recording us making out."

I froze. Then just laughed and flipped her off, grabbing Nines by the shirt collar and kissing him some more.

After that fiasco we sat back down at my desk. And by that I mean I was sitting in his lap, clinging to one of his arms as we talked with Tina.

The sun was gone by now, and the station started to fill back up. People coming back just to leave and go home for the night.

Chris appeared, made a face as a reaction to Nines, then pretty much left. Then Tina left. Then I did.

Nines was driving, per usual by this point.

No music was playing. I was just staring out the window and finally allowing myself to think over everything. Now that I didn't have to grieve and all that Jazz.

"Are you okay Gav?" Nines asked, speaking softly.

"No." I sighed.

"Hmm... is it because of me?"

My eyes went wide.
"What?! No! No, no, it's not you. It's definitely not you."

"Then what is it? If you uh, feel like sharing that is." Nines mumbled the last part.

"That android that attacked us?  I knew her. Vaguely. But still. She... she warned me. Said not to go home tonight. To go to the hotel on 3rd, I think."

Nines' LED went yellow.
"Do you wish to go there? Instead of home?"

I groaned and pressed my palms into my eyes.
"I don't know what to do. I guess? I mean... do you think it's a trap? Or an actual warning?"

Nines thought for a second.
"I think we should listen to her."

I sighed and turned in the passenger seat, putting my head against the android's arm.
"Okay... then, yeah. Let's go."

He made a U turn and we continued to drive.

A heavy silence overtook everything again. We both seemed like we wanted to make conversation but didn't quite know what to say.

"It must've been hard... seeing me like that." Nines said quietly.

Neither of us were at our usual loudish selves. Okay, I wasn't my loud left and I think Nines was just trying to match.

"Yeah... Tina kept saying 'he won't hurt you'. But she chilled out once I kinda explained to the rest of the guys. So that hurt too." I mumbled, eyes closed now.

Nines slammed on the brakes and put his arm out to protect me.

I got reminded of the night I got in that accident. After Brett... y'know.

"I gotcha." Nines said as I clutched onto his arm.

The car in front of us had just stopped short in an effort to not miss their exit.

That's how you could tell it was a human driving it and not one of those self driving taxi things.

We continued to drive normally and I continued to have my head rest on Nines' arm.

He held my hand and made the radio begin to play my saved songs from Spotify.
Premium bitch! Catch me with those ads!

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now