Gavin. Wake up. We're here

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An: E V E R Y time I go to paste the POV line thing page break whatever it's called, idk it's late! I A L W A Y S have something else on my clipboard. From pictures of people, to pranks, to texts I forgot to send to friends and UGHHHH (rant over)

Conan's POV

The car rolled to a stop on the gravel path. Pebbles crunching under the tires.

I looked over at Gavin, who was surprisingly still asleep even after all of the rocky ride on the gravel road.

A turn of the keys and the car was off.

Gavin mumbled something in his sleep, now audible since the cars engine wasn't humming.

I got out of the car, and opened the passenger side door.

Gavin, who has been leaning against the door, fell to now lean against my chest.

I tried to stifle a smile, as I unbuckled his seatbelt and gently shook his shoulder.

"Gavin. Wake up. We're here." I said softly.

He barely opened his eyes before closing them again and giving a loud whine of protest.

I sighed, turned around and bent down a bit.

"Arms." I said, he flopped them onto my shoulders.

I took his hands, and let him wrap his arms around my neck. Not chokingly tight, but snug.

I then grabbed his legs and pulled him up onto my back.

Gavin whined again, and put his head on my shoulder.

"You know, this could've been so much easier if you HELPED!" I huffed, locking Gavin's legs against my sides, arms looped around them.

I took one hand and closed the car door.

Once the car door was closed, I jumped up a little, hoisting Gavin a bit higher onto my back.

He just let his arm fall down and limply dangle from my shoulder. His other hand was tucked between my shirt collar and my jacket collar.

"Alright, tough guy. Let's go." I sighed, beginning to walk.

His quiet snoring could be heard, even breathing, and steady heartbeat.

I internally smiled.

I walked a small dirt path in the woods, heading to what I wanted to show him.

After another few minutes, Gavin jolted against me.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not even looking at him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He mumbled, voice thick with sleep.

"You refused to get up and walk." I simply stated.

He sighed, but didn't make any sort of signal he wanted me to put him down.

"Would you like to walk on your own?" I asked.

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