Like Father, Like Son (Kris imagine)

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Kris imagine

"Jagi~ today's my birthday~" your husband, Kris hugged you once you woke up.

"Is that the first thing you're going to tell me in the morning?" You asked back, still a little bit drowsy from your sleep.

"What's my present?" He asks, ignoring your question.

"Lets get up and wash up first." You sat up and was going to get off the bed when he held your wrist, pulling you to his chest. He gave you his smirk. That smirk...

"What are you doing? Its early in the morning." You said.

Kris opened his mouth, wanting to say something back but was interrupted.

"Umma!" Yi Yong, the son of both of you came running into your room and climbed onto the bed.

"Im hungry." Yi Yong rubbed his tummy as you heard his stomach growl.

"Ill go make breakfast after we all wash up." You chuckled lightly as Kris pouted, before going off to the washroom.

<Kris POV>

Ah damn it. I wanted to have a lovely morning...

"You little devil, i was trying to give mummy a nice morning." I said to Yi Yong. "Eh?" Was what i got back from him. Gah, my adorable son.

Patting on his head, I picked my 3 year old son and went to the washroom in his bedroom to shower him.

After all of us have washed up, Yi Yong and i were at the living room, waiting for _____ to cook finish our breakfast for us.

Yi Yong was playing with his toy car and looking at him was such a pleasure. He was smiling to himself as he mumbled something which i couldnt interpret. All of a sudden, i had the urge for him to call me father. Grabbing my son's attention, i took the toy car away.

"Call appa." I requested.

No response came from him as he looked at me with his head tilt. He didnt understand why would i want him to call me all of a sudden.

"Umma~" Yi Yong responded.

"No, ap-pa." I said, stopping after each syllabus to make my words clearer.

Yi Yong just turned away, back facing me.

"Ya~ are you really going to ignore your appa on his birthday?" I placed the toy car back on the ground, giving up as i gave him a 'tsk' look.

Hearing a giggle behind my back, i turned around to find _____ with plates in her hands as she giggled at what she had witnessed.

"Ya, dont laugh at me." I pointed at her as i spoke.

"Time for breakfast~" she said in a sing-song tone as she placed the plates down. She came to the living room and carried Yi Yong to the table.

"Your favourite chicken as breakfast~" _____ said in a 'tada' manner.

It lifted my spirits up, causing me to brush off the rejection i faced from my son just moments ago.

Yi Yong started eating the chicken in chunks as i did the same, even though the chicken was still piping hot from the oven.

"Aish i see where the genes come from." _____ commented.

I looked up at her before looking at my kid, sharing the same expression as him. Hahaha, my kid and i are so alike.

I took the big piece of chicken from him, wanting to tear it into smaller pieces for him when a thought popped up in my mind.

"Call me appa~" i requested again. With the chicken in my hand, hopefully Yi Yong doesnt ignore me again. _____ stopped eating, waiting to see Yi Yong's reaction.

Yi Yong started bawling which causes my jagi to laugh. Aish my kid -.- why are you like this?

I placed the chicken in his mouth and laid back into my seat. Yi Yong stopped crying once he could continue to munch on his chicken.

I held no other expression than -.-|||

"Dont be like this. Your dad told me you were like that too!" Yeobo chuckled lightly.

I pouted as i looked at Yi Yong enjoying his chicken. This kid sure resembles me in many ways. How blessed am i to have a happy family. No birthday presents or celebrations needed, this family is the best i could ever ask for.

[ A/N: Imagine if this did happen! It would be funny to witness that! >< Happy birthday, Wu Yi Fan! I really missed you alot! Hopefully i get to see you one day! I really love your dorkiness, your laughter, your killer smile and your lovely personality! I want to see that silly smile of yours again. I love you no matter who you are. Kris, Wu Yi Fan, Yi Fan, Kevin, Actor Fan, no matter who u are, i will love you ♡♡♡ i love you from the start and all the way to the end! 사랑해, 크리스! ♡ 生日快乐, 吴亦凡! 我爱你! @galaxy_fanfan ] #happywuyifanday

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