Jealous (Tao imagine)

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Tao jealous imagine

It was a Friday evening as you got ready for your temporary part time job. It was to assist a showcase on the streets of Myeongdong, a popular place in Seoul.

One of your friends recommended it to you since you were in need of a part time job. The timing was pretty fine too, it was in the evening, when the sky turns dark and everything naturally feels good. You like it very much.

You got to your assigned venue as you noticed tons of people crowding around with cameras flashing here and there. Even though you were assisting, you did not know which idol or whatsoever you were going to assist. You just came as you told without knowing anything else.

All of a sudden, a phone call came in. It was your boyfriend, Tao from EXO.

"Yeobo~ i miss you so much, i finally have time off my schedule, where are you?" He asked once you picked up.

You didnt tell your boyfriend you were working part time, so you decided to lie since it wouldnt exactly do good if you tell your overly-protective boyfriend you had a part time job. Plus it was temporary and it was going to last a day. It wouldnt matter even if you told him since you were already here.

"Oh, urh, im just... walking around near my house. I miss you too..." you lied as convincingly as you could.

"_____!" Your manager called you as help was needed.

"Ah, i gotta go. Ill talk to you later, bye!" You hurriedly hung up. Shoots. Hopefully he didnt hear your manager calling for you.

You went over to your manager as she scolded you for not being focussed. She rushed you off to the back-stage area and asked you to help out with the set-up.

"Aish. Thank God this job only lasts a day or what will i do with such a manager?" You mumbled to yourself.

You started doing the things you were told to do. And work slowly piled up as other staff went pass you to tell you what other things you needed to do. It was so hectic you almost forgot to breathe. After what seem like years, the showcase finally started. This is the time when you can finally rest.

You heaved a sigh of relieve as you walked to the washroom to wash your face. You needed to breathe.

Walking out of the washroom, you could hear fans screaming from the stage area. The screams were loud enough to reach you. That means it must be some big-time idols to cause such an amount of fans and screaming. Curiosity got the better of you.

You took a peak from the side to see which idol it was that you were helping. And you saw.

It was EXO.

Your boyfriend, Tao, was there too. He was holding the mic as he said 'i love you' to the fans, causing a more heated uproar.

Dang it.

Such a coincidence has never once crossed your mind and now it happened. How fated was the two of you?

You quickly went to the backstage, to hide yourself. If he sees you, he would probably be mad. First, he doesnt like it when you are together with tons of people. He is afraid you would get bullied due to your tiny size. Secondly, he thinks that taking a part time job would cause you to suffer in the outside world. He would rather to suffer on his own than allow you to suffer. Third, with his busy idol schedule, he would want to search for you easily and quickly without any hindrance. A job could be a hindrance, he wouldnt like it. That was how precious you are to him.

After the showcase was over, the whole of EXO was ushered to the backstage. They needed to rest and also to wait for most of the fans to go off. They needed to go off silently.

You were still working since you had to clear up everything.

"Omona! Can i take a picture with you?" You were mopping the floor when you heard someone said from behind. You turned to look as you saw Tao wrapping his hands around the fangirl as they took a selfie together. How did she even get in? Most importantly, did Tao see you? Darn it. You wanted to go off quickly but what you saw next prevented you from doing so. You saw Tao hugging her. What is he doing right now?? Hugging a fangirl? The hug was not needed!

Now you didnt care if Tao saw you or not. You were irritated with his actions.

"Omo, oppa, you're still so handsome!" The fangirl squealed in excitement.

"Yeah, we look good together right?" Tao replied cheekily causing the fangirl to giggle at his reply.

You scoffed at the sight without them knowing. Look good? Together? Psh, my foot. Rolling your eyes, you continued doing your job.

As you cleaned, you got close to the both of them. They were still talking! You cleaned the girl's feet on purpose.

"Oops!" You exclaimed.

"Ya! What is wrong with you? Cant you see im talking to this handsome oppa here?" She said in a shrill voice. Ouch. Your ears.

Giving Tao a glare, you went off. You got even more pissed as you thought about it. Tao even gave you his innocent face just now. Where did the protective side of him go?

You went off to somewhere quiet and where Tao couldnt see you and you did your job in grumpy state.

It was not long after when a pair of hands pulled you into an embrace from behind. Without looking back, You knew it was Tao.

You pushed him aside and continued with your work.

"Aigoo~ is someone jealous?" Tao commented as he back hugged you again.

"Stop if you dont want to lose your job." You said with no emotion as you continued mopping the floor.

He kicked the mop out of your hands with his kung-fu style and stood in front of you.

"Honey, why are you working? And you didnt bother telling me?" Tao asked, hands on your waist. He is being gentle right now.

You continued staring at the floor. You were still jealous.

"gah, are you still jealous? You dont have to worry. That fangirl just now was just one of my past friend. She came to visit. My heart only has you. So now can you tell me why are you working?" He asked.

Sighing in defeat, you finally looked up at him in the eye.

"I didnt want you to work so hard for our future. Thats all." You muttered your answer.

"Aish. You dont have to worry so much, jagi. It doesnt matter as long as we both love each other." Tao responded.

"Dont be delusional. We cant live together if we dont work hard." You stated.

"Yes, but i dont want you to suffer. It will hurt me too, babe." Tao frowned a little.

"And im already hurt, here in my heart. You lied to me just now." Tao added, pointing to his left chest.

"Aish, im sorry." You apologized as you gave him a peck on the lips.

"Oh wait, im hurt here too. Kiss me." Tao jokingly said, pointing to his finger.

"Nope." You shook your head, trying to ran away but his grip on your waist tightened.

"Hahaha you're trying to run away from the martial-master?" Tao chuckled as he pulled you back, causing you to let out a giggle.

"Its fine if you dont want to kiss me. Ill kiss you instead." Tao said and kissed you on the lips.

[ A/N: lets just say that both of you were having a secret relationship okay? Hope you enjoy! And check out the latest DOS fanfic, chapter 43! I updated yesterday! ]

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