First (Sehun imagine)

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Sehun imagine
"Did you wait long?" Sehun asked as he back hugged you, resting his chin on your head because he's that tall (and ure that short HAHA kidding).

"No i didnt. Sit down." You smiled as he removed his hands.

He removed his black coat and placed it on the grass, as gentleman as he ever is. You smiled at his thoughfulness and sat down on his coat. He sat beside you, partly sitting on the grass.

"Why are you wearing such a short skirt?" Sehun scolded as he noticed your thighs are being shown off.

"Its short? My uniform is about this length." You mentioned.

"I forbid you to wear a skirt this short okay." Sehun frowned a little, causing you to giggle as he was so protective over you.

"Hahaha, okay okay. I prepared you these." You changed the subject as you took out the lunch boxes that you brought.

"Wah." Sehun's eyes lightened up, your mood lightened up too, as much as the bright lagoon laying infront of the both of you.

Sehun opened up the lunch boxes and saw the sushi rolls you have prepared. The sushi contained a variety of vitamins he needed with that busy schedule of his, like salmon, cucumber and eggs.

"Lets eat!" You invited as you handed him a pair of chopsticks.

"Is it nice?" You asked as Sehun took a bite of the sushi that you made.

"Mmm... mmm...." Sehun pressed his lips together as he continued chewing the small sushi piece.

"Well...?" You anticipated his response.

"Its not as nice..." Sehun said, causing you to sigh and look down. Well, it was your first time making sushi... but you cant help but feel disappointed because you placed in so much effort and emotions into it.

"As you." Sehun finished his sentence as you looked back up at him. He's so playful!

You clicked your tongue at him as you smacked him lightly at his arm, causing him to chuckle.

"Whatever you make for me is nice, yeobo." Sehun stopped laughing and pinched your nose lightly, he really treasures you alot. You smiled at his gesture.

After that you guys went on a date at Myeong Dong to shop around for fun, you two ate ice cream and drank his very favourite drink, bubble tea.

You had a nice day with your boyfriend and before you could even realize, the day has ended and it was a quarter before midnight.

Sehun walked you home while holding you at your waist, you purely enjoyed his company.

When you reached your doorstep, you turned around and face him while holding his hand.

"Happy birthday, Oh Sehun." You smiled.

"Thank you for today." Sehun smiled back as he was truly thankful for you.

"Hope you enjoyed today." You quickly pecked him on the check and hurriedly pull back, smiling and blushing slightly.

Sehun was caught off guard as he widened his eyes.

"Why do you do that in public?" He said as he looked around, afraid that someone might see that act of love. You giggled, he was so shy.

"Do that again." Sehun requested.

"No~ people might see." You rejected.

"There isnt anyone, hurry up before someone comes!" Sehun whined a little, inching forward to allow you to kiss.

You quickly tiptoed and leaned in to peck on his cheek when he suddenly turned to face you and ended up kissing on his lips.

You were shocked. You wanted to pull back but Sehun held your face, pulling you and it soon became a passionate kiss.

You then pulled back, signalling him to stop. If you continued, the whole neighborhood might just see.

"Okay, i'll go now. Goodnight!" You waved as you walked towards your house door slowly.

Sehun placed his hands in his pockets and nodded at you.

"Sleep well, jagiya~" Sehun said as you slipped into your house and slowly close the door, reluctant in leaving. When the door finally closes, your cheekbones were starting to hurt. It was your first kiss with him. And you looked forward to more of it in the near future.

[ A/N: sweet enough or nah? hope you guys enjoyed this. Once again, happy birhday Oh Sehun @oohsehun ♡♡ ]

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