Rare (Xiumin imagine)

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Xiumin imagine
"Did you seriously call me here just to watch you do your work?" Xiumin grumbled as he pouted.

You just smiled at him and resumed doing your work.

"It has been like 48 minutes... i'm bored. Can you play with me?" Xiumin asked with much aegyo in his voice.

"A little while more." You replied, causing Xiumin to beam.

Just then, there was a phone call from your collegue. You picked up.

"Hello? Yeah... ohh... haha it's okay. Just leave the present on my table." You smiled as you ended the short call. When you looked up, you saw Xiumin glaring at you.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"I dont know." You answered, wanting revenge for him whining throughout the whole time when he was here.

"What happened?" He asked as he moved to you.

"Why are you asking so much?" You kept a stern face, but inside you were rolling with laughter.

"N-no... im just... curious." Xiumin looked away as he brushed his nape.

"Alright then, tomorrow you'll help me carry my present home." You tried to surpress your smile.

"Hey, i tell you what. From tomorrow onwards, i am going to personally send and pick you from work okay. I'll stop those animals in your company that harasses or eye on you." Xiumin announced with that fiery in his eyes. This was the response you were waiting for.

"I'll throw that present away for sure. So dont think that i'd be so nice to carry the present from that animal." Xiumin added as he sat back onto the sofa in front.

"HAHAHA" you burst out laughing, he's so cute when he's jealous. That cutesy side of him was gone and the manly Xiumin came out.

"Stop laughing, im serious. And i'll delete his contact for you." Xiumin frowned as he tried to snatch your phone away from you.

"HAHAHA, why are you so cute?" You pinched his cheek as you put your phone out of his reach while standing up.

Since there was a table blocking his reach, he went over it and held you at your waist, reaching the tip of your fingertips easily.

"Hey!" Xiumin exclaimed, causing you to laugh even harder.

You placed your phone behind your back, making it more difficult to reach.

With him trying to reach for the phone, both of his arms were around you.

Suddenly in the midst of all your laughing, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, getting you to stop laughing.

"I am serious, _____. Nobody can steal you away from me." He said while looking through your eyes. The eye contact was so intense you had to arch your back backwards to feel more comfortable.

"I love you okay. Even though i hardly say that, but i mean it." Xiumin added as he kissed you on your lips.

[ A/N: YAYYYY~ hehe im so happy that i managed to write with all that tests and school stuff ㅠ.ㅠ i havent done my homework yet but i was afraid i would forget this 'plot' that came to me. So i had to write. HAHA hope everyone finds it nice! ^^ after such a long time of angst, we should have abit of sweetness eh? ;) ]

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