Conservative (Kai Imagine)

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Kai imagine
"Again?" Kai muttered to himself.

He was picking you up from work as he decided to settle dinner with you. And what he saw was infuriating. It wasn't the first time he saw guys flirting with you. Somehow, everytime he saw you, you were always laughing with them. So to him, other guys seem to make you happier than him, though it's not true.

He walked towards the both of you, sending glares at the guy whom was talking to you.

"Bye, _____!" The guy smiled as he started walking off, acknowledging Kai's presence at the same time.

"Im hungry, let's go for dinner!" You smiled as you hugged your boyfriend. Being angry, he plucked your arms off, pushing you a little away.

"Whats wrong?" You asked, pouting.

"Let's go before there is too many people." Kai said coldly before walking off, putting his hands into his pocket so you do not get to hold them.

You caught up with him and looked at him weirdly. Was he jealous about just now?

"Nini~~" you whined a little as you clung your arm around his.

"Are you angry with me?" You asked.

No response.

"Im sorry~~~ he was making a joke so i laughed. Dont be upset okay, i'll get afraid." You apolgized as you tugged his arm lightly, wanting his attention.

"Then stop wearing nice clothes, you're too attractive." Kai answered, still not looking at you.

"Ah... but i'll be too ugly for you." You protested.

"I can never stay angry at you for more than 10 minutes." Kai gave in, smiling as he pinched your nose lightly.

"Make sure, guys stay away from you okay. You never know how to say no." Kai interlocked his hand with yours, making you smile.

"Oh. Don't smile too. Its too dazzling."

"You're so protective." You laughed. Kai then smirked and sneakily placed his hand at your waist, sticking your body to his as you two walked along the streets.

[ A/N: I wanted to write an angst. Turned out to be fluff. Idk man ]

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