Play ( Chanyeol and Sehun Imagine)

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Chanyeol and Sehun imagine
"Chanyeol!" Someone patted on his back, causing Chanyeol to turn around.

"Hey!" Chanyeol said with opened arms, inviting a buddy embrace.

"It has been so long! Sehun, how have you been doing?" Chanyeol continued as he broke the contact with the long lost friend.

"I've been doing well. Hmm seems like you've finally used well on one of your musical talents huh. Well, i didn't know why you left at that time but hey, hope you're doing well." Sehun answered.

"Yeah, i guess. What are you doing here?" Chanyeol brushed his nape.

"With my crush and a group of friends." Sehun lowered his volume. (He's so shy, aww)


"The girl wearing a purple dress with long straight hair. There, sitting there on your right. She's beautiful." Sehun pointed you out as you took a sip of your drink.

When Chanyeol looked at you, he realized that he has seen you before. No, more than that, you two were once best friend...

"O-ooh..." Chanyeol trailed off, not knowing what would be the best response.

"You're mesmerized by her too eh... but back off, she's mine!" Sehun exclaimed.

"I've yet to confess though... what should i do, hyung?" Sehun dropped his head forward, lost of what to do. (Omgoshhh so cuteee)

"Don't worry so much, it will all work out." Chanyeol patted on Sehun's shoulder, giving a smile.

"Hopefully... i'll introduce her to you. Wait a minute." Before Chanyeol could even protest, Sehun has already made his way to you. That was the least what Chanyeol wanted. He didn't want to see you, not after realizing that you didn't return his feelings.

"_____, this is Chanyeol. Chanyeol, this is _____." Sehun introduced.

You were shocked that it was Chanyeol after such a long time. You had no idea where he went at that time. But his mother blamed you, and forbid you to see them again. You were pushed away with no reasons. You kept trying to look for him but his mother would always hurt you with her sharp words, never failing to make you cry each time you went. But as time passed, feelings faded and you finally gave up after 3 months.

"Hey..." Chanyeol gave you his awkward smile as he placed his hand out. He was still the same.

"Hey." You smiled as you gladly shook his hand.

"Sehun-ah!" Someone from behind called Sehun. It was one of your mutual friends.

"I'll be back." Just like that, Sehun went off, leaving awkwardness to fill in between you two.

"How have you been doing?" Chanyeol asked.

"Why did you leave?" You asked back.

Chanyeol just gave you a smile.

"Well, i hope you're doing well." You heaved a sigh before turning to walk away. At that point of time, Chanyeol's heart dropped. He knew his feelings for you never faded... the only thing that faded or ever got blurry was the memories that belonged to the both of you. He never thought that it would be the last time seeing you.

After an hour or so, you were still with Sehun and his friends, partying around like there was no tomorrow. Whereas Chanyeol was only at the DJ station, doing his job as he sneak a few glances from time to time.

"_____, let's dance." Sehun held out his hand, inviting you to dance with him.

You hesitated but still took it, going to the dance floor with him.

Sehun then glanced over at his friend, as if hinting for something.

His friends then all splitted up, one them came up to Chanyeol.

"Here's $50, change the music to a slow song." His friend slipped a $50 noted into Chanyeol's pocket and changed the disc playing to a slow music.

Chanyeol looked back to the both of you, and he saw that Sehun was having a slow dance with you. His eyes lusting for your lips, hunger for your love.

Soon, the dance floor cleared up and his friends came in. The lights dimmed before becoming completely dark. Within a snap, there was balloons all around, and a banner saying "will you be my girlfriend?" Held by his friends.

Sehun stopped dancing and you followed suit. You were completely taken aback.

"_____, i've been having feelings for you for a very long time... and i believe after spending some time together, my love for you deepened. Will you be my girlfriend?" Sehun held your hand as he looked at how you hand fitted in with his. You saw from his eyes he was sincere and you knew what he said was true. He had always treated you with specialty and royalty. You were like a princess to him.

All his friends around you two started cheering. "Accept him!" Some of his friends chanted. Soon enough, all of the people were chanting that two words.

You didn't know how or what, but you smiled. You didnt't want to disappoint Sehun when he placed in so much effort in just making you his. And immediately, it was taken as a yes. Sehun took the chance and kissed you on your lips, making the crowd go wild. (and the people reading right. HAHA okay continue yo~).

As he pulled back away from the kiss, you saw how Chanyeol's expression darkened from the side.

Sehun then looked at Chanyeol, waving at him proudly.

Chanyeol came over.

"Congrats." Chanyeol smiled, but you know it was a fake one.

"Thank you." Sehun said proudly, with him holding you at your waist.

You looked at Chanyeol in the eyes, and it was bothering you.

Another hour was spent with Sehun drinking. He was so happy you agreed to be with him.

"_____, i really love you alot." Sehun kept repeating to you.

"Sehun, you drank too much." You said every time Sehun tried to kiss you again.

The pub got empty and soon enough, Sehun was knocked out. He laid on the sofa of the pub, resting peacefully as he finally got his heartfelt words out.

You sat at the side, sighing. Then, Chanyeol came to you, sitting down beside you.

"Well... you like him right? i mean you have to, he really likes you alot." Chanyeol said.

"You're kidding me right?" You scoffed. Chanyeol looked at you with his eyebrows raised.

"Dont pretened you dont know what im talking about." You continued.

"I'll go... you handle Sehun okay. I can't possibly carry him." You stood up, taking your purse before walking away.

"_____!" Chanyeol chased after you, holding your wrist.

"I left because you had a boyfriend. I didnt want my feelings to be one sided. So I escaped. I wanted to erase all my feelings for you. But up till now, i still love you, _____." Chanyeol spilled his feelings.

You bit your lips, stopping at your tracks as those words were being said. Time seemed to slow down.

"I can't let us be seperated again." Chanyeol backhugged you.

You looked down at his hands that was on your waist, it seemed as thought his hands originally belonged there.

But... what about Sehun?

[ A/N: What would you do if you were torn between Sehun and Chanyeol? Im Chanyeol's wife so i obviously choose him. I know there are lots of Sehun stans here, so im already prepared to see his name popping up under the comments section. Hehe~ ]

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