Baby photo (Xiumin imagine)

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Xiumin sweet imagine

"Where are we going, Xiumin?" You asked as Xiumin opened the door of his car for you. "Get in, babe." He smiled. Trusting your boyfriend, you stepped into his car.

It was a peaceful Sunday late afternoon when Xiumin decided to call you and told you to dress up. Thinking it was a date, you wore something simple yet elegant. But little did you know it wasnt a date at all.

"Is this a date?" You asked as Xiumin starting driving.

"You can consider it as a date if u want." He answered.

"Xiumin, what are we doing?" You asked again, you were really curious as he left no clues of what you two were doing today or where are you guys headed to.

"You will know when we get there. For now, just rest for a little while, yeobo." He responded.

Looks like your boyfriend here isnt going to say anything eh. Giving up, you sat back comfortably in your seat as you watch Xiumin drive. He looks so handsome even when he drives. Just a plain expression on his face but he is still so good looking.

"Enjoying the view huh?" Xiumin asked as he turned to look at you.

You quickly turned to look at another direction and started blushing.

"Y-yeah... the weather outside is so nice." You lied.

Xiumin chuckled as your lie was so obvious yet adorable to him.

Both of you continued the jouney in silence. It wasnt the awkward type of silence, of course. It was the peaceful type of silence, where you just enjoyed his presence being right next to you. Everything seems to fall in place.

Soon enough, you two reached a simple yet stylish looking apartment. It was Xiumin's house. You recognised it straight away as you have went to visit his house a couple of times. "Xiumin, why are we here?" You asked as Xiumin parked his car.

"Okay since we've reached, i'll tell you, we are visiting my parents today. Its time." Xiumin answered.

"What?" You widened your eyes in shock. "Why didnt you tell me? I didnt bring any gifts." You frowned a little as you were totally unprepared.

"If i told you earlier, wouldnt you be more nervous and in panick now?" He responded. "Dont worry i bought gifts on my own, you can give it to them. And, your presence is more important than the gifts, jagi~" Xiumin said as he took out a gift bag from the side and passed it to you. It was filled with fruits and other food products inside.

"I picked them on my own as my parents are sensitive to some fruits and food." Xiumin said.

You two got out of the car and stood in front of his apartment.

"Wait." You stopped Xiumin when he was about to open the gate.

"Im nervous." You closed your eyes as you looked down. You know you and Xiumin have to meet each other's parents soon as you guys have marriage plans already. But this was still nerve-wrecking. What if his parents doesnt like you and disapprove of your marriage?

"Dont worry so much, babe, im sure my parents like you very much as i like you too." Xiumin said as he cupped your cheeks, making you look up at him.

"You sure?" You asked, still nervous.

"Yes im very sure." Xiumin smiled before leaning in to peck you on your lips. That was what you needed most right now, his support. The nervousness in you went down a little, but it was still there.

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