The Real Birthday Surprise (Chen imagine)

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Chen imagine

Chen and you were best friends. You guys have known each other for a long time. You have feelings for him but you never let anyone know. You didnt want your friendship with Chen to be ruined. How can anyone not like Chen? He was beautifully made by God. He is always so thoughtful, understanding, patient, kind, positive even though you could be trolled by him a number of times and he would laugh at you for being naive. He was still the Chen you love. But he doesnt know your feelings. And you dont know his too. From the start of your friendship till now, he hasnt got a girlfriend yet. Which was puzzling yet happy for you. I mean... you love him, you would have been hurt if he was to have a girlfriend and have to date her in front of you. Who would be able to stand that? But with him being so perfect, many girls were having a crush on him too. From time to time, those girls would even approach you for help. And you would somehow manage to make them think that Chen isnt the guy for them. And when Chen finds out that those girls actually asked you for help, he would say that hes thankful that you actually brushed them off since he doesnt like them and that the girl he likes hasnt appear yet, thats what he said. But nonetheless you were still into him. He never left your side, which deepens your affection for him even more. And today, you were prepared to be overdose by him again. And today was also an important day, it was his birthday.

You prepared a little something for him. And off course, he doesnt know.

<Chen's POV>

"Hey, look down your window." I heard _____ said once i picked up her phone call. I was at home as it was a sunday, with not much to do. I obeyed and looked down, seeing her with a bike looking up at me, smiling. "Why arent you coming up?" I asked as she would do so whenever she wants to meet me. "Im bringing you somewhere." She said. "Give me a minute. Ill be down." I said and hung up the phone. This is the first time such things happen to me. As in, _____ never exactly bring me out in a sudden without informing me before hand. This was the first in a way. And i was a little excited though it could be one of those "dates" where she just wanted company. But i still dressed up a little, before going off.

"Where are we going?" I asked as you walked towards her. "Somewhere only we know." She winked slightly at me. (lol yeah i know. Shhhh *winks*) "Dont tell me you forgot what day is it tod-" i said halfway when i got cut off by her. It usually happens but today is my birthday cant she listen? But oh wells. That is what i love about her. "Lets go. Cycle to our usual place" She said and went on the bike. I hopped onto the bike, in front her. Thats when i realized i could use this chance to tease her, a little revenge for cutting me off. "Arent we going to go off?" She asked. "Arent you going to place your hands around me?" I asked back, smirking. "But... are you okai with it?" She asked. "im okai with it." I responded with a small laugh. She hesitated a little. Guess she needs some help. That was when i suddenly accelerated the bike a little, causing her to hold onto me immediately as reflexes. "There. It took you so long." I said before continuing the journey. Of course my "prank" was also part of my desire. I always wanted her hands to be over my waist. But there was no valid reason to do so. Hence i took advantage and yeah... how could i resist such opportunity? _____ is such a beautiful person.

We reached a nearby beach, our usual hangout. It was a place where we would hang out often. A place filled with wonderful and pleasent memories. A place where i would continue to create more memories with her. I got off and parked the bike before walking with _____. "Why are we here?" I asked. "To celebrate your birthday." She replied. "So you are mine for today." She continued. That made my heart pound like crazy. How could such words come out of her lips this easily? Does she really mean it in a romantic way or...? Aish, Chen! You're reading into things too much! This is not like you, Chen! Wake up, _____ is just a best friend! Just... A best friend that you like.... i guess...

<end of Chen's POV || Narrator's POV >

"Close your eyes. Im going to bring you there now." You instructed with a smile. He nodded and closed his eyes. You stood there staring at his face for a moment. Your eyes was lingering at his curved-up-at-the-ends lips. You always wanted to feel how it is to be kissed by him...anyways, lets get back to work for now i guess...

You held his hand and led him to a chalet. A chalet that you always wanted to go with him as a couple but you know that he might not see you in that light... Chanyeol and Baekhyun then came out, as part of your plan. "Lets go, hyung." Chanyeol said as he pulled Chen out of your sight, into the chalet with his eyes still closed but now with a blindfold. You smiled at Baekhyun as he escorted you in too.

Chanyeol then left Chen at the living room. Everyone started wearing party hats and prepared for the confetti. You then told Chen he could take out once you counted from 3 to 1.

3. 2. 1.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEN!" Everyone shouted. Sehun, Tao and Kai threw confetti all around Chen while Chanyeol and Baekhyun did some senseless dance around him. In front of him was a coffee table, with his birthday cake on it. You then smirked as you still havent finish your plan yet. Chen was laughing at Chanyeol and Baekkhyun at their senseless dance. Good. He is off guard. You then pounce on Chen with another cake in your hand. You smashed it against his face. The real surprise wasnt the taking off of blindfold with everyone celebrating with you but the cake on his face. "Gotcha!" You laughed as you felt triumph. "Ya!"

[ A/N: i always have such long plots. I hate it man anyways part 2 up maybe tomorrow or the day after. Im not sure. Im having exams tomorrow and i took a few hours off for this so please appreciate! Kim Jongdae, Happy birthday! ^^ you once crashed my bias list i couldnt handle you! Im thankful for your existance! Please continue to be our heap of trollster and funky Chen Chen! ^^ ] #kimjongday

i posted this on wattpad late

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