Study Date (Xiumin Imagine)

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Xiumin imagine
"I'll walk you home." Xiumin announced. And you nodded your head as your heart started pounding.

Recently you have been hanging out with Xiumin, your crush, and a group of mutual friends. Studying together after school daily, trying to get close to Xiumin in the mean time. And because of the daily hangout, you two started becoming text buddies and soon became close friends.

"Awww so sweet!" One of your friends commented, making you blush as you walked towards the exit with Xiumin.

"I ship! Bye!" Another one of your friends shouted before the exit door closed behind you.

He walked alongside you, making your heart and mind go crazy.

"So... exams' going to end soon. How is it going?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah..." you nodded your head, not sure how or what to respond. You were panicking too much.

The walk to your house was a really short one since you stay around. It was a quiet walk with him, even though you two didnt speak much, it was more than enough.

Soon, you two reached downstairs of the building you were living in.

"Thank you for walking with me." You thanked him.

"My pleasure." He smiled.

"Then... i'll get going." You smiled back.

"No, wait. I have something to tell you." He stopped you.

"I... have feelings for you." Xiumin confessed. You blinked in confusion, is this a dream?

"I know you may not like me. But i just want to say out my true feelings. I can't stop thinking of you, your smile, everything. It's okay if you dont accept me." Xiumin continued.

You stared at him blankly, not believing that this is happening. You snapped back to reality once you realized that he was still waiting for your answer.

"What makes you think i dont like you?" You smiled.

Xiumin looked up at you, giving you a confused face.

"Let's go out this Friday once our exams end." You smiled before turning around and walking off.

Xiumin then held your wrist, turning you around. He then kissed you deeply on your lips, making the books that you were carrying drop onto the concrete ground.

"I love you." Xiumin whispered as he pulled back.

[ A/N: Inspired by my friend's love story ]

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