Messages (Chanyeol angst imagine)

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Chanyeol angst imagine

< Chanyeol's POV >

Day 1:

Getting up, i went to wash up for the day. As usual, it was going to be a hectic and tiring day. Missing ____, i left a quick message for her. "I miss you... when can i see you again? Im going off for my schedule now. Love you ♡" Heaving a sigh, i left my phone and went to wash up. Being an idol was never easy, much less date a girl with that hectic schedule.

After i was done with washing up, i took my phone and left the dorm for EXO's schedule. I unlocked my phone to check if ____ has replied.

She hasnt.

Leaning my head on the head rest, i closed my eyes. My group members and me were in the car, rushing for our schedule.

I opened my eyes again and looked out of the window. It was a rainy morning. The raindrops on the window trickled down the glass like teardrops. The sad song played on the radio was heart wrenching, as if warning me that today was going to be a sad day. I shook my head, wanting to shake out the negative energy in me. I have been like this lately cause of ____. She hasnt replied to any of my messages in a week. Its making me worried. I miss her sweet messages, her voice and her face, mostly i miss the whole of her.

Reaching our destination, i took a deep breath. I plastered a fake smile on my face again and went out of the vehicle. For the fans, i had to hold that smile of mine. For the fans, I had to hold the happy virus image. For the fans, i had to be happy, or at least pretend to be.

I hurriedly walked into the SM building, i couldnt hold up that smile for long. Telling everyone i was tired, i went to the lounge. No one would be there. Everyone is too busy to be staying in the lounge.

I plumped down onto the orange sofa. Why isnt ____ replying to my messages? For a week? Is she that busy? I know i fought with her recently due to my busy schedule. She felt that i neglected her. But I've always left quick messages to let her know that she was on my mind the whole time, and that i love her. But why isnt she saying anything? Is she still upset? I have already apologized. What is wrong? Have i done something wrong again?

Frustrated, i swiped out my phone from my pocket. Again, no messages came in. Is she okay? Or is she still angry with me? Curiosity took over me, i dialed her number. It took quite a while before the line was picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Someone from the other end of the line said. It... isnt ____'s voice. Maybe its one of her friends.

"Uh... im ____'s boyfriend, Chanyeol. Is ____ there? I need to talk to her." I replied.

For a brief moment there was silence, before the other end of the line replied.

"Im not sure how to break this to you but ____ was gone since last week." Gone? To where? She didnt tell me.

"Oh she has? Where can i find her?" I asked.

The other end of the line then started breaking down. Something isnt right here. What's going on?

"She passed away."

I widened my eyes. Did i hear it wrongly? Is this person joking? ____ passed... away? Having no energy left in me, i dropped my hand by my side. I gulped and blinked a few times. This is just a nightmare right? This is not real right? I am just... hallucinating now right? This joke is too harsh.

I ran off, out of the SM building and to ____'s house. I want to check out the truth personally.

Reaching the small apartment, i rang the doorbell. "____! Open the door!" I yelled before knocking on the door a couple of times.

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